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输血器的相关文献在1988年到2023年内共计589篇,主要集中在临床医学、外科学、预防医学、卫生学 等领域,其中期刊论文149篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献2875239篇;相关期刊100种,包括中国医疗器械信息、工企医刊、医疗装备等; 相关会议1种,包括全国血磁学术交流年会等;输血器的相关文献由1057位作者贡献,包括李军生、李飞、汪贤宗等。



论文:149 占比:0.01%


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论文:2875239 占比:99.99%





  • 李军生
  • 李飞
  • 汪贤宗
  • 杨桂丽
  • 谢新强
  • 陈振业
  • 刘军华
  • 胡波
  • 齐海亮
  • 张维鑫



  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 赵川林
    • 摘要: 心电监护仪是医院常用的精密医学仪器,用于监测患者的心率、血压、血氧饱和度等的动态变化,为医护人员提供客观的数据,有利于医护人员及早发现患者病情变化,及时救治,保障患者安全[1]。但在临床使用过程中,高频率的使用,以及患者体液、分泌物及消毒液的刺激,容易导致导联线塑料外壳裂开甚至撕裂,使导联线内的金属丝外露,缩短了导联线的使用寿命。
    • 摘要: 发布日期:2021年3月10日,召回级别:Ⅰ级,召回编号:RC-2021-RN-00707-1,召回产品:Alaris泵(GP、VP、CC、SE)用输液器及非专用输液器和配件,产品注册号:189736-BD-导管延长装置,静脉注射,125916-BD-输液管理器,输液泵,177500-BD-输血器,246696-BD-负压无针阀接头,299777-BD-基本静脉给药装置,召回原因:BD公司被第三方灭菌服务提供商告知,他们故意伪造了与BD公司产品加工相关的灭菌过程记录。
    • 摘要: 本刊2019年第25卷第19期第31页“研究报告”栏目中《美国MAUDE数据库一次性输血器不良事件监测数据分析》一文,基金项目:河南省科技攻关项目(项目名称:一次性使用输血器安全性评价方法研究,项目编号:182102311127)。特此补充声明!
    • 陈全贵; 苏伟
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the clinical therapeutic effects of stretch regeneration according to law of tension stress for skin defects.Methods We reviewed the 16 patients with skin defect who had been treated at Department of Traumatic Orthopaedics and Hand Surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital,Guangxi Medical University by skin traction band made of a sterile blood transfusion apparatus and sterile nylon strips from March 2016 to July 2017.They were 12 males and 4 females,aged from 7 to 68 years (average,33 years).The areas of their skin defects ranged from 6 cm × 3 cm to 20 cm × 5 cm.After thorough debridement,a simple skin traction band made of a sterile blood transfusion apparatus and a number of aseptic nylon strips was placed on both margins of the wound,1 cm apart from the margin.The distances between wound holes ranged from 1.5 to 2.0 cm.The simple tension band was installed along the wound margins.After operation,the skin traction band was gradually tightened,according to the tension,blood supply to the skin margins and feeling of the distal end of the affected limb,to close the wound until interrupted suture of the skin was conducted.Results The wounds were closed by interrupted suture directly after application of the skin traction band in 13 of the 16 patients.The wounds were repaired by secondary vacuum sealing drainage (VSD) and skin graft in 2 cases with foot avulsed injury and infection in whom the traction band was pulled out along the wound skin margins.Skin graft was applied in one case with massive forearm skin defect and infection after the traction band failed.Follow-ups from 3 to 19 months revealed that application of the skin traction band led to linear scar healing,soft scar,little pigmentation,no tickle,no adjacent joint dysfunction due to skin contracture and normal pain sensation in most of the patients.Conclusion Stretch regeneration according to law of tension stress is an effective,simple and economical treatment of skin defects,deserving popularization.%目的 初步探讨应用张力-应力法则牵张再生治疗皮肤缺损的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析广西医科大学第一附属医院创伤骨科手外科2016年3月至2017年7月应用无菌输血器及尼龙扎带制成皮肤牵张带治疗的16例皮肤缺损患者资料,其中男12例,女4例;年龄7~68岁,平均33岁;皮肤缺损面积约6 cm×3 cm~20 cm ×5 cm.利用一根无菌硅胶输血管及数根无菌尼龙扎带制成简易皮肤牵张带,彻底清创后置于创缘两侧,距创缘1.0cm处,孔间距1.5~2.0 cm,沿创缘依次安装简易张力带.术后每天根据张力、皮缘血供、患肢远端感觉情况,逐渐收紧皮肤牵张带,缩小及闭合创面直至皮缘贴合,再行皮肤间断缝合. 结果 16例患者中有13例应用皮肤牵张带后直接完整间断缝合皮肤创面;2例足部撕脱伤并感染患者因牵张带沿着皮缘脱出,后期行负压封闭引流加植皮修复创面;1例前臂软组织缺损较大并感染患者,因牵张失败改行植皮治疗.经过3 ~19个月随访,发现大多数皮肤缺损患者获得线性瘢痕愈合,瘢痕柔软,局部少许色素沉着,无瘙痒及邻近关节因皮肤挛缩引起的关节活动障碍,痛触觉正常. 结论 应用张力-应力法则牵张再生治疗皮肤缺损是一种有效、简便、经济的治疗方法,值得推广.
    • 龙秋香
    • 摘要: 目的 进行分析经口插管洗胃的方法,然后进行探析其应用于小儿洗胃中的作用.方法 选择2017年4月至2018年4月医院收治的20例中毒小儿,随机分为对照组和研究组.研究组使用经口插管洗胃,对照组采用经鼻插管洗胃,探析两组的洗胃效果.结果 研究组的洗胃时间明显低于对照组,双方对比差异比较明显,具体统计学意义(P<0.05).研究组出现不良反应的人数明显少于对照组,双方对比差异比较明显,具体统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 采用经口插管洗胃,不仅可以有效缩短洗胃时间,也可以有效保护患儿的胃粘膜,具有较好的效果.
    • 徐晓光; 邢百琴; 刘东艳; 于金柱; 李广振; 陈美清; 陈文杰; 张晓芳
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨套管针在肝硬化和慢性肿瘤病人顽固性腹水中的治疗价值。方法将8例肝硬化顽固性腹水和慢性肿瘤患者随机分为观察组(4例)和对照组(4例),观察组患者采用静脉留置针穿刺法引流腹水,对照组患者采用传统腹腔穿刺法排放腹水。对比两组患者治疗后的临床疗效、临床指标。结果治疗后,两组患者穿刺成功率及引流通畅率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),观察组患者在腹水外渗、疼痛、出血和感染方面的发生率明显减少(P<0.05),观察组患者总有效率为100%,高于对照组的75%(P<0.05),观察组临床指标均优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论静脉留置针引流肝硬化顽固性腹水取材方便,操作简单,临床疗效及安全性较高,可有效改善患者生化指标,值得临床推广。
    • 杜林
    • 摘要: ObjectiveTo improve the traditional exhaust methods of blood transfusion, improve the success rate of one-time exhaust, shorten the exhaust time.Methods The blood transfusion patients were divided into two groups.A group adopted conventional exhaust method, the other group adopted the improved exhaust method.The data of two sets of exhaust results were compared. Result The one-time success rate of improved exhaust gas method(observation group)is signiifcantly higher than the traditional method(control group), and the use time is shorter.The difference was statistically signiifcant (P< 0.05).ConclusionThe improved exhaust method of blood transfusion device can be used to exhaust the air bubble in the pipeline of the blood transfusion device more effectively,can greatly improve the exhaust efifciency, and can save the time of patient who are in urgent need of blood transfusion, it is worthy to be applied and popularized in clinical practice.%目的:改进输血器传统排气方法,提高一次性排气成功率,缩短排气时间。方法将输血患者分成两个组,一组采用传统排气法,另外一组采用改进排气法,将两组排气结果进行数据对比。结果改进排气法(观察组)一次性成功率明显比传统排气法(对照组)高,用时更短,对比差异具有明显的统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论改进后的输血器排气法能更有效地排尽输血器管道内的气泡,能较大程度地提高排气效率,为急需进行输血抢救的病人节约有效时间,值得在临床实践中应用和推广。
    • 郑小芳; 钟新华; 罗利英; 王云辉
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨Y型输血器在免疫细胞回输中的应用效果。方法:将200例输免疫细胞的患者随机分为实验组和对照组,实验组采用Y型输血器,对照组采用普通输血器,比较两组回输后细胞剩余量及患者的满意度。结果:实验组的细胞悬液剩余量少于对照组,患者的满意度明显提高。结论:使用Y型输血器回输免疫细胞可以减少浪费,提高细胞回输量,增强机体对肿瘤的抑制,提高患者对治疗及医院的满意度。
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