您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> FAHP


FAHP的相关文献在2001年到2022年内共计342篇,主要集中在经济计划与管理、自动化技术、计算机技术、工业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文320篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献21篇;相关期刊237种,包括物流工程与管理、工程经济、商场现代化等; 相关会议1种,包括第十届中国青年信息与管理学者大会等;FAHP的相关文献由809位作者贡献,包括张国宝、李煜华、汪琦等。



论文:320 占比:93.57%


论文:1 占比:0.29%


论文:21 占比:6.14%





  • 张国宝
  • 李煜华
  • 汪琦
  • 解永平
  • 刘军
  • 刘绪崇
  • 崔晓柳
  • 朱嘉年
  • 李静
  • 王玉燕
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 韦荣茂
    • 摘要: 随着水利工程施工技术的迅速发展,不同施工阶段效果评价已经变成水利工程施工建设中不得缺少的一个节点。基于模糊层次分析法(FAHP)结合老虎岭水利枢纽的实际施工过程,科学选取16个施工效果评价指标,构建老虎岭水利枢纽施工效果评价模型。为验证该模型的评价效果,通过老虎岭水利枢纽建设效果的应用来反映该评价模型的评价效果。经模型评价,该水利枢纽在施工阶段各个方面的评价等级分别为良、优、良和中,综合建设效果等级为良。所构建的施工阶段评价模型在老虎岭水利枢纽得到较好的应用,与实际施工情况较为符合。在健全施工现场管理体制、提高单位整体施工建设水平,特别是在生态环境保护方面对施工单位提出了建议。
    • 谢珍君
    • 摘要: 以利益相关者理论和平衡计分卡理论为基础,选择重庆15所新型应用型大学为研究对象,从效益、客户、内部建设与实施、发展与成才四个维度构建具有一级指标4项、二级指标28项的创新创业教育评价体系,与此同时通过模糊层次分析和MATLAB软件运算确定评价体系中各指标权重大小,最后采用模糊综合评价法实证分析所构建的创新创业教育评价体系能够使各方利益主体达到“满意”的状态。
    • 周红; 方金生
    • 摘要: 着眼于线上课堂教学的实际,构建四级线上课堂教学质量评价指标体系,包括线上课堂教学有效度的目标层,教师线上课堂教学目标达成度与学生学习目标达成度2个准则层,教学资源优质度、线上课堂教学组织有效度、课后反馈实效性、课前学习投入度、课堂表现主动性、课后学习自主度6个因子层,32个指标层。确定指标权重值,通过评价指标体系对某一对象进行评价,分析评价结果,提升线上课堂教学质量,促进线上课堂教学质量评价的改革与创新。
    • 马成功
    • 摘要: 教学评价是提升教师教学质量,促进教师成长及高校内涵式发展的重要方式。 本文在综合分析高校教学评价现状及存在问题的基础上,提出了“五位一体”的多维度教学评价指标体系,评价指标的确定考虑学科差异,指标权重确定改进 AHP 形成 FAHP,引入熵权法,采用主客观权重相结合的综合权重确定方法。 该评价指标体系以发展性评价为主,注重评价结果对教师教学的引导和反馈,以期提升教学评价的精度和效度,更好的发挥评价作用。
    • 刘妍; 廖吉林
    • 摘要: 冷链物流绩效水平对我国生鲜电商行业发展至关重要。为衡量生鲜电商冷链物流绩效水平,文章运用模糊层次分析法,从物流运作能力、信息化水平、冷链物流水平、客户服务水平四个维度构建出生鲜电商冷链物流绩效评价指标体系,并结合生鲜电商行业发展现状,从物流信息系统、冷链物流设备、冷链物流标准体系和冷链物流技术四个角度提出进一步发展完善生鲜电商冷链物流的针对性建议。
    • 张悦
    • 摘要: 针对石化企业风险评估较少考虑台风致灾因子的影响以及台风灾害与工业事故之间的耦合作用等缺陷,应用层次分析法(AHP)并引入模糊理论,提出了基于模糊层次分析法(FAHP)的台风灾害影响下石化企业综合风险评估模型。根据人员素质、石化装置安全生产条件、安全生产技术条件和安全管理水平,构建了综合风险评估指标体系;运用1-9标度取值法构造判断矩阵,采用和积法计算各影响因素的权重值,确定其在台风灾害影响下石化企业综合风险系统中的重要度;再依据模糊理论进行综合风险评估。以某油库为例验证该方法的适用性,其整体风险等级为“Ⅲ级”,属于“一般风险”类别,基本符合实际风险状况。结果表明:运用FAHP法可以较好地评估台风灾害影响下石化企业的综合风险,找出薄弱环节,明确今后的风险管控和防灾减灾重点,这为其提供了简单而实用的新途径。
    • 朱波; 刘业政
    • 摘要: 本文运用目标管理思想,建立了供水信息化评价指标体系,运用DELPHI法对于3个一级指标和13个二级指标进行了专家评价,选择模糊层次分析模型(FAHP)对于各层次指标进行了定量分析和排序,并以合肥供水信息化建设为例进行了实证分析,结果表明合肥供水信息化建设评价结果良好,和专家总体评价的情况一致,说明FAHP模型有效的评价了合肥供水信息户建设效果。
    • 陆宇嘉; 曾芷琰
    • 摘要: 随着当今经济主旋律“双创”蓬勃发展,为推进创新创业高质量发展,大学生创新创业能力的培训成为我国高校教育改革重心。利用比较分析法、文献调查法和专家访谈法相结合的方式搜集整理并最终确定影响大学生创新创业能力的评价指标和创新创业能力评价体系的构建。基于此,采用定性与定量相结合FAHP模糊层次分析模型给各层级指标打分确定权重,建立复合评价方法。根据评价结果总结并提出有利于提升大学生创新创业能力的改善方法。
    • Phi-Hung Nguyen
    • 摘要: Vietnam is paying great to the seafood exporting sector,offering various significant production advantages,concluding that it is critical to understand the competitiveness of the target market and implement effective strategies.However,due to COVID 19,the value of Vietnamese pangasius exports resulted in low and unpredictable profits for pangasius farmers.It is obvious to recognize competitiveness as Multi-Criteria Decision Making(MCDM)problem in the uncertain business environment.Therefore,this study is the first to propose a two-staged Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling(PLS-SEM)and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process(FAHP)analysis to identify potential criteria and comprehensively investigate the competitiveness of Vietnamese pangasius export Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(SMEs)in the context of China market.First,a dataset of 186 valid respondents from seafood export SMEs was collected through an online survey from June to December 2020.The PLS-SEM approach was applied to ascertain the positive impact of the proposed criteria contributing to the competitiveness of Vietnamese pangasius against China market.The PLS-SEM results showed that all criteria strongly correlated with the pangasius exporting competitiveness.Then,the FAHP method is employed to rank the subjective weights of mentioned criteria based on 12 experts’judgments.Knowledge infrastructure(C3)has the highest rank of competitiveness criteria with the highest weight,followed by Product(C4).In contrast,Prices(C6)was indicated as the lowest rank at 0.107 regarding FAHP results.Furthermore,this study provides insights into stakeholders seeking to improve competitiveness performance.
    • Chia-Nan Wang; Chien-Chang Chou; Hsien-Pin Hsu; Van Thanh Nguyen; Viet Tinh Nguyen
    • 摘要: The two main approaches that countries are using to ease the strain on healthcare infrastructure is building temporary hospitals that are specialized in treating COVID-19 patients and promoting preventive measures.As such,the selection of the optimal location for a temporary hospital and the calculation of the prioritization of preventive measures are two of the most critical decisions during the pandemic,especially in densely populated areas where the risk of transmission of the virus is highest.If the location selection process or the prioritization of measures is poor,healthcare workers and patients can be harmed,and unnecessary costs may come into play.In this study,a decision support framework using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(FAHP)and a weighted aggregated sum product assessment model are proposed for selecting the location of a temporary hospital,and a FAHP model is proposed for calculating the prioritization of preventive measures against COVID-19.A case study is performed for Ho Chi Minh City using the proposed decision-making framework.The contribution of this work is to propose a multiple criteria decision-making model in a fuzzy environment for ranking potential locations for building temporary hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic.The results of the study can be used to assist decisionmakers,such as government authorities and infectious disease experts,in dealing with the current pandemic as well as other diseases in the future.With the entire world facing the global pandemic of COVID-19,many scientists have applied research achievements in practice to help decision-makers make accurate decisions to prevent the pandemic.As the number of cases increases exponentially,it is crucial that government authorities and infectious disease experts make optimal decisions while considering multiple quantitative and qualitative criteria.As such,the proposed approach can also be applied to support complex decision-making processes in a fuzzy environment in different countries.
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