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WHO的相关文献在1978年到2023年内共计39140717篇,主要集中在内科学、预防医学、卫生学、药学 等领域,其中期刊论文2516篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊1091种,包括疾病监测、上海预防医学、中国健康教育等; 相关会议5种,包括中华医学会心身医学分会全国第13届学术年会暨重庆市心身与行为医学专委会第2届学术年会、江西省第五次中西医结合皮肤科学术交流会、第六次全国微生物学与免疫学大会等;WHO的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



论文:2516 占比:0.01%


论文:5 占比:0.00%


论文:39138196 占比:99.99%





  • 不公告发明人
  • 王伟
  • 张伟
  • 王磊
  • 李伟
  • 张磊
  • 刘伟
  • 王勇
  • 张涛
  • 李强
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献






    • Miebaka Oriasi; Eteh Desmond Rowland; Ayowei Alvin Harry
    • 摘要: This research presents a novel approach to assessing the health implications of black soot using a MiniVol air sampler.The MiniVol air sampler was used to collect PM from the ambient air at six monitoring sites in Port Harcourt,Nigeria.Sampling was conducted every day for seven days,for a period of 24 hours.PM_(2.5) concentrations at Uniport Junction,GRA Junction,Slaughter Roundabout,Abuloma Jetty,Rumuomasi Roundabout,and New Road Borokiri were 38.6 g/m^(3),28.3 g/m^(3),93.7 g/m^(3),72.9 g/m^(3),30.6 g/m^(3),and 31.3 g/m^(3),respectively.PM_(10) concentrations ranged from 71.2 g/m^(3) to 60.6 g/m^(3),with 103.3 g/m^(3),85.5 g/m^(3),40.1 g/m^(3),and 35.2 g/m^(3) being the highest.The level of PM_(2.5) and PM_(10) pollution in the ambient air was high across the six sampling sites,with mean PM_(2.5) and PM_(10) concentrations exceeding the WHO(2011)guideline.The flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS)technique was used.The presence of heavy metals,such as mean metal concentrations of lead,cadmium,chromium,mercury,and nickel,ranged from 0.009 g/m^(3)-0.532 g/m^(3),0.002 g/m^(3)-0.544 g/m^(3),0.002 g/m^(3)-0.338 g/m^(3),0.001 g/m^(3),and 0.001 g/m^(3)-0.432 g/m^(3),across the six sampling sites.The GC-MS was used to determine the presence of PAHs in particulate matter.Correlation results revealed a strong positive correlation between PM_(2.5) and PM_(10).The findings also revealed a positive relationship between the metals as well as between the metals and PAHs,resulting in asthma,lung cancer,breathing difficulties,and miscarriages among pregnant women,which have affected the health implications of the people living in the environment.
    • 罗跃梅
    • 摘要: 在作家的笔下,古往今来、天南海北、奇人奇事、奇景奇境,无不充满了神奇瑰丽的色彩,异彩纷呈的艺术形式让读者张开了想象的翅膀,在文学天地流连忘返。;Never overlook the pleasure of reading a great work of fiction. Reading literature puts you ahead of the pack. Men who read develop their minds by not only educating themselves with new information but also learning how to think. Reading works of fiction makes a better man.
    • 李全忠
    • 摘要: 了解我们的文化遗产非常重要,因为我们的过去、现在和未来都与文化遗产密切相关。每个人,特别是年轻一代都应该了解文化遗产,并对其进行保护。1 Every day people all over the world celebrate their cultural heritage, simply by living their lives in a way that stands for who they are and where they come from.
    • 万志良
    • 摘要: 素质教育行业政策规范为机构保驾护航,避免走入歧路招来“团灭”。如同十年前的文化课培训,行业散、小、乱、弱。机构处于草莽时代,群龙无首。作为在这个行业里的校长,我们应该立大志,通过自己的努力,为广大的孩子提供优质的素质教育,让自己的教育理念能够惠及更多家庭,让自己的教育品牌能够影响更大,避免行业出现劣币驱逐良币。我们应该对自己说:If not now?When?If not me,who?立大志,明大德,担大任。这是每一个未来的素质教育企业家的要求。
    • 颜建周; 丁瑞琳; 邵蓉
    • 摘要: 目的:为我国基本药物遴选标准的优化提供思路与参考。方法:通过文献研究、对比研究等方法,梳理与对比WHO与部分国家的基本药物遴选与调整标准。结果:肯尼亚、巴西、印度和泰国在形成基本药物遴选标准的思路上存在一定差异,所形成的标准在操作性、稳定性和适用性等方面各具优劣,其参考WHO和部分国家基本药物目录、遴选标准示例解释、使用循证遴选框架、开发标准与方法一体化工具等做法对我国具有较好的借鉴价值。结论:建议我国完善基本药物目录遴选标准,实现以疾病谱为导向的遴选;基于国情对示范标准进行细化和发展,适当增加相关示例;将遴选标准与决策方法、工具相结合,提高遴选的客观性、科学性;形成多维度、基于临床应用的基本药物目录退出标准。
    • 曹梦玲; 廖华容
    • 摘要: 目的观察WHO-产时管理对自然分娩初产妇消极心理、产后疼痛及依从性等的影响。方法回顾性选取2018年9月至2019年9月该院自然分娩的初产妇150例,按照是否采取WHO-产时管理分为常规组和产时管理组各75例。比较两组围产期母婴状况、负性情绪变化、指导依从性和诊疗满意度情况。结果产时管理组的总产程长于常规组,产后VAS、SAS、SDS评分低于常规组;指导依从性优级率(80.0%)、诊疗非常满意率(68.0%),均高于常规组的60.0%和24.0%。结论WHO产时管理能够改善自然分娩初产妇的产后抑郁焦虑情绪,提高对医疗指导的依从性和诊疗满意度。
    • Chia-Nan Wang; Chien-Chang Chou; Hsien-Pin Hsu; Van Thanh Nguyen; Viet Tinh Nguyen
    • 摘要: The two main approaches that countries are using to ease the strain on healthcare infrastructure is building temporary hospitals that are specialized in treating COVID-19 patients and promoting preventive measures.As such,the selection of the optimal location for a temporary hospital and the calculation of the prioritization of preventive measures are two of the most critical decisions during the pandemic,especially in densely populated areas where the risk of transmission of the virus is highest.If the location selection process or the prioritization of measures is poor,healthcare workers and patients can be harmed,and unnecessary costs may come into play.In this study,a decision support framework using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(FAHP)and a weighted aggregated sum product assessment model are proposed for selecting the location of a temporary hospital,and a FAHP model is proposed for calculating the prioritization of preventive measures against COVID-19.A case study is performed for Ho Chi Minh City using the proposed decision-making framework.The contribution of this work is to propose a multiple criteria decision-making model in a fuzzy environment for ranking potential locations for building temporary hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic.The results of the study can be used to assist decisionmakers,such as government authorities and infectious disease experts,in dealing with the current pandemic as well as other diseases in the future.With the entire world facing the global pandemic of COVID-19,many scientists have applied research achievements in practice to help decision-makers make accurate decisions to prevent the pandemic.As the number of cases increases exponentially,it is crucial that government authorities and infectious disease experts make optimal decisions while considering multiple quantitative and qualitative criteria.As such,the proposed approach can also be applied to support complex decision-making processes in a fuzzy environment in different countries.
    • Lawrence W. Gernon
    • 摘要: Two years into the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic the shining light of hope has been the speed at which vaccines have been developed based on a new platform technology allowing breakthroughs with other novel, neglected and emerging infectious diseases. Lurking in the shadows has been the various health care systems related to surveillance, data collection, access to basic health, fear, nationalism, government distrust, vaccine skepticism, global supply chain shortages, health worker shortages and misinformation. In this paper, I have tried to highlight the areas where lessons learned can make a difference for our response to the next pandemic at the local, state, national, regional, and global level.
    • 张欣
    • 摘要: 该文通过文献法等方法,分析世界卫生组织颁布《身体活动全球行动计划2018—2030》的背景、内涵和价值,该计划通过加强健康理念,构建行动框架,制定监测和评价机制,来促进人们积极参与身体活动中,达到提高世界人民健康水平的目的。该行动计划对我国促进全民参与身体活动的启示:(1)充分认识身体活动的重要性;(2)加强社区的参与;(3)注重监测和评价。
    • Sin Hang Lee
    • 摘要: Large population passages of the SARS-CoV-2 in the past two and a half years have allowed the circulating virus to accumulate an increasing number of mutations in its genome. The most recently emerging Omicron subvariants have the highest number of mutations in the Spike (S) protein gene and these mutations mainly occur in the receptor-binding domain (RBD) and the N-terminal domain (NTD) of the S gene. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (eCDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend partial Sanger sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 S gene RBD and NTD on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-positive samples in diagnostic laboratories as a practical means of determining the variants of concern to monitor possible increased transmissibility, increased virulence, or reduced effectiveness of vaccines against them. The author’s diagnostic laboratory has implemented the eCDC/WHO recommendation by sequencing a 398-base segment of the N gene for the definitive detection of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples, and sequencing a 445-base segment of the RBD and a 490 - 509-base segment of the NTD for variant determination. This paper presents 5 selective cases to illustrate the challenges of using Sanger sequencing to diagnose Omicron subvariants when the samples harbor a high level of co-existing minor subvariant sequences with multi-allelic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or possible recombinant Omicron subvariants containing a BA.2 RBD and an atypical BA.1 NTD, which can only be detected by using specially designed PCR primers. In addition, Sanger sequencing may reveal unclassified subvariants, such as BA.4/BA.5 with L84I mutation in the S gene NTD. The current large-scale surveillance programs using next-generation sequencing (NGS) do not face similar problems because NGS focuses on deriving consensus sequence.
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