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谷甾醇的相关文献在1978年到2022年内共计161篇,主要集中在中国医学、化学工业、轻工业、手工业 等领域,其中期刊论文65篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献93篇;相关期刊52种,包括齐齐哈尔大学学报(自然科学版)、天然产物研究与开发、今日科技等; 相关会议3种,包括中国粮油学会油脂分会第二十五届学术年会暨产品展示会、第七届全国超临界流体技术学术及应用研讨会、第七届全国精细化学品化学学术会议等;谷甾醇的相关文献由395位作者贡献,包括董士香、代光辉、刘松柏等。



论文:65 占比:40.37%


论文:3 占比:1.86%


论文:93 占比:57.76%





  • 董士香
  • 代光辉
  • 刘松柏
  • 李胜
  • 陈义娟
  • 马传国
  • 叶小利
  • 吴正章
  • 张鹏
  • 李亚松
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李廷; 王伟; 梅丹; 顾宏刚; 马恩伟
    • 摘要: 本文应用中药系统药理学数据库和分析平台(TCMSP)、中药与化学成分数据库、中药分子机制生物信息学分析平台(BATMAN-TCM)等数据库收集了25种大血藤化学成分,其中大黄素、谷甾醇、二氢愈创木脂酸、儿茶酸、香豆酸对羟基苯乙醇酯可能是大血藤潜在活性成分,并探讨了以上化学成分与肿瘤、胆汁淤积、炎症、血脂异常等现代疾病的关系.
    • 钱正明; 孙敏甜; 李文庆; 李光荣; 李文佳
    • 摘要: Sterol is one of the important active substances in Chinese cordyceps, Ophiocordyceps sinensis. In this study, HPLC-ELSD was applied to detect three main sterols, ergosterol, cholesterol and sitosterol, in five different development stages of Chinese cordyceps, namely mycelium, ossified larva, 1cm stroma stage, 4–6cm stroma stage and sporulation stage. Uninfected Hepialus larva sample was set up as experimental control. The results showed that content of total sterols in 4–6cm stroma stage was the highest. This result provides reference for harvesting Chinese cordyceps timely.%冬虫夏草是一味传统名贵中药材,甾醇类成分是其重要的活性成分之一.为了探讨冬虫夏草不同生长阶段甾醇类成分的变化,本研究采用高效液相-蒸发光散射检测器技术对冬虫夏草5个不同阶段样品(冬虫夏草发酵菌丝体、僵虫、1cm子座冬虫夏草,4–6cm子座冬虫夏草,孢子弹射冬虫夏草)和对照样品(蝙蝠蛾幼虫)中麦角甾醇、胆甾醇和谷甾醇的含量进行了分析.结果显示4–6cm子座冬虫夏草样品总甾醇含量较高,该结果为冬虫夏草采收期的选择提供了参考.
    • 任平; 付博; 刘晨; 阮祥稳; 王远征; 李英梅
    • 摘要: 以3个引种区12个试验点的景天三七(Sedum aizoon)的茎叶为研究对象,探究景天三七活性成分与生态因子间的相关性,通过冗余分析(RDA)研究了9个土壤因子和14个地理气候因子与景天三七主要活性成分的关系,确定影响景天庚糖、谷甾醇、总黄酮和生物碱的主要生态因子,为景天三七的引种栽培提供技术依据.结果表明,景天三七各活性成分均存在明显的地域性差异,大荔引种区景天庚糖和谷甾醇的含量显著高于鄠邑和洛南引种区,洛南引种区的总黄酮含量又显著高于其他引种区.景天庚糖含量与谷甾醇之间呈极显著正相关(r=0.751),与生物碱和总黄酮呈负相关.土壤中铜(F=16.81,P=0.002)、钙(F=7.49,P=0.006)、铁(F=4.03,P=0.030)的含量及日温差(F=53.44,P=0.002)、平均气温(F=31.04,P=0.002)是造成景天三七活性成分差异的主要生态因子.景天庚糖和谷甾醇累积效应与土壤中钙含量、平均气温呈显著正相关,与速效钾、镁、锰、锌及温度因子呈正相关,与降水量呈负相关;生物碱含量对生态因子的响应与谷甾醇和景天庚糖总体相反;景天三七中总黄酮含量与日温差呈显著正相关,与土壤中锰、锌、有效磷、镁、钙、降雨量呈正相关,与温度因子呈负相关.产地的地理位置和生态因子是影响景天三七活性成分分化和形成的重要因素,关中东部大荔引种区土壤中钙含量高、气温较高,降水较少,有利于景天三七的活性成分的形成与累积,尤其以景天庚糖和谷甾醇含量增加最为明显,是景天三七适宜引种区.
    • 李胜; 马传国; 刘君; 司天雷
    • 摘要: In this study, composite organogels containing sunflower seed oil were prepared with oryzanol/sitosterol and monoglycerides as gelators. The formation process of organogels and the influence of monoglycerides on the gelation process were examined. It was found that this process could be divided into three stages. Monoglycerides had little influence on the supercooling and supersaturatation stages. In the logarithmic stage of aggregation nucleation of gelators, monoglycerides could increase the enthalpy per unit volume and reduce the total Gibbs free energy, consequently promoting nucleation. In the linear stage of crystal growth and assembly, the primary, secondary and tertiary structures of organogels were gradually formed; the tertiary structure was most closely related to macroscopic properties and its ratio of permanent crosslinking to instantaneous crosslinking determined the main properties of organogels. Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis showed that the gelation process was mainly ascribed to physical entrapment. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction and small angle X-ray scattering were used to analyze the assembly structure and the results showed that a symmetrical hexagonal structure was found in oryzanol/sitosterol organogels, a symmetric layered structure in monoglycerides organogels, and composite organogels containing oryzanol/sitosterol and monoglycerides had a symmetric cubic structure.%以谷维素/谷甾醇和单甘酯为凝胶剂,葵花籽油为原料油制备复合凝胶油,探讨复合凝胶油的形成过程以及单甘酯对凝胶化过程的影响,实验发现凝胶油的形成可分为3 个阶段,在凝胶剂到达过冷、过饱和的平衡阶段,受单甘酯影响较小;在凝胶剂分子聚集成核的对数阶段,单甘酯会增加单位体积焓值,降低总吉布斯自由能,促进成核;而在晶体生长、组装的线性阶段,逐渐形成凝胶油的一级、二级、三级结构,其中三级结构与宏观特性最为紧密,三级结构中永久交联和瞬时交联的比例决定了凝胶油的主要性质.通过核磁分析表明物理截留油是凝胶化植物油的主要机理,在此基础性上通过X-射线衍射和小角X-射线散射分析了凝胶剂的组装结构,结果表明谷维素/谷甾醇凝胶油形成的为六边对称结构,单甘酯凝胶油形成的为层状对称结构,同时含有谷维素/谷甾醇和单甘酯的复合凝胶油为立方对称结构.
    • 李胜; 马传国; 刘君; 司天雷
    • 摘要: 以精炼葵花籽油为基料油,添加分子蒸馏单甘酯与谷维素-谷甾醇制备复合凝胶油,探讨凝胶剂分子间比例对凝胶油结构和性质的影响,以分析单甘酯在复合凝胶油形成过程中的作用.结果表明:在复合凝胶油中单甘酯会与谷甾醇存在着范德华力等弱的非氢键作用力,使得单甘酯和谷甾醇在临界凝胶浓度下,协同形成复合凝胶油.单甘酯的添加对复合凝胶油热力学性质和流变学性质等宏观特性均产生较大影响,添加单甘酯后复合凝胶油微观结构和红外光谱产生了显著变化,随着单甘酯含量的增加,氢键作用逐渐减小直至消失,而微观结构由纤维网状到球状结晶最后为针状结晶;结果还表明添加单甘酯后凝胶油氧化更慢,利于长期贮藏.
    • 冯子懿; 侯丽萍; 郑果; 梁艺聪; 何骏驹
    • 摘要: The effect of sitosterol on physiological indexes, HSI and GSI in the liver of Barchydanio rerio var were investigated. The female were selected and exposed to 50, 100, 150 μg/L and 200 μg/L sitosterol for 60 d by using the hydrostatic bath method. The results showed that except for all death of theBarchydanio rerio var in the solution under concentration of 200 μg/L, there was dose effect relationship between physiological indexes and sitosterol concentration within a certain concentration range. The paper also indicated that GSI presents a trend of increasing and the HSI presents opposite, and obvious toxic effects were presented in the tissue section figures. It is concluded that sitosterol effects the growth and reproductive system of Barchydanio rerio var.%为了研究谷甾醇(sitosterol)暴露对斑马鱼(Barchydanio rerio var)内分泌的干扰效应,通过不同浓度的谷甾醇(50、100、150、200μg/L)对雌性斑马鱼进行为期60 d的水浴暴露,同时设乙醇对照,分别于60 d后测定各组分雌性斑马鱼的生长指标,对部分组织进行切片观察,从组织病理学和毒理学方面评估谷甾醇暴露的毒性效应.结果表明:在200μg/L谷甾醇暴露下,斑马鱼全部死亡,其他各浓度处理与对照组相比,除臀鳍数随谷甾醇浓度的增加呈现倒"U"型趋势,以及肝重随谷甾醇浓度的增加而上升外,其他各生长指标均不同程度受到抑制,抑制作用与暴露浓度呈明显的剂量效应.此外,性腺指数(GSI)呈下降趋势,肝体指数(HSI)呈上升趋势,各组织切片也表现出明显的毒性反应.因此,可初步判断谷甾醇对斑马鱼的生长发育和繁殖系统会产生较大影响.
    • 李胜; 马传国; 王英丹; 郭永生
    • 摘要: The compound gel was produced with monoglyceride and oryzanol-sitosterol as organogelators and first grade pressed sunflower seed oil as base oil.The effects of dosage of organogelator,mass ratio of oryzanol-sitosterol to monoglyceride,heating temperature,heating time and cooling temperature on the oil precipitation rate of compound gel were discussed.The results showed that the optimal preparation conditions were obtained as follows:mass ratio of oryzanol-sitosterol to monoglyceride 6∶ 4,dosage of organogelator 9%,heating temperature 90 °C,heating time 20 min,cooling temperature 10 °C.Under the optimal conditions,the oil precipitation rate of compound gel was 0.61% with better oil binding capacity,lower melting point and suitable hardness,no trans fatty acid was detected,and content of saturated fatty acids was only 14.27%,which was lower than that of traditional special oils and fats.%以一级压榨葵花籽油为基料油,添加分子蒸馏单甘酯与谷维素-谷甾醇制备复合凝胶.探讨了凝胶剂添加量、凝胶剂比例、加热温度、加热时间和冷却温度对复合凝胶析油率的影响.结果表明:在谷维素-谷甾醇与分子蒸馏单甘酯质量比为6∶4,添加量为9%,加热温度为90°C,加热时间为20 min,冷却温度为10°C条件下,复合凝胶析油率为0.61%,具有较好的油结合能力、较低的熔点和合适的硬度,且不含反式脂肪酸,饱和脂肪酸含量仅为14.27%,低于传统专用油脂中饱和脂肪酸含量.
    • 刘杰; 薛浩; 耿晓雯; 张威; 朱航
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the effects of atorvastatin combined with ezetimibe on serum cholesterol synthesis and absorption in acute coronary syndrome patients not achieving LDL-C goal.Methods Eighty ACS patients not achieving LDL-C goal in our hospital from June 2012 to June 2014 were randomly divided into atorvastatin plus ezetimibe group (n=42,atorvastatin 20 mg/d plus ezetimibe 10 mg/d) and atorvastatin double-dose group (n=38,atorvastatin 40 mg/d).Serum cholesterol synthesis and absorption markers were measured before and after 12-week treatment.Results After 12 weeks,the serum LDL-C level was significantly lower in atorvastatin plus ezetimibe group than that in double dose atorvastatin group [(1.81 ± 0.38) mmol/L vs (2.01 ± 0.43) mmol/L,P < 0.05].Serum cholesterol synthesis markers (lathosterol,24-dehydrogenation) decreased after 12-week treatment in the two groups,particularly in double dose atorvastatin group.Cholesterol absorption markers (campesterol,stigmasterol,sitosterol) decreased in atorvastatin plus ezetimibe group after 12-week treatment (P < 0.05,respectively).However,they increased in the double dose atorvastatin group.Conclusion Atorvastatin combined with ezetimibe reduce cholesterol synthesis and absorption markers at the same time in acute coronary syndrome patients not achieving LDL-C goal.%目的 探讨依折麦布联合阿托伐他汀类对低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDL-C)未达标的急性冠脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)患者血清胆固醇代谢标记物7烯胆甾醇、24-脱氢胆甾烷醇、油菜甾醇、豆固醇和谷甾醇的影响.方法 入选2012年6月-2014年6月于我院住院的ACS患者,常规应用他汀类药物4周后LDL-C未达标80例,随机分为双倍阿托伐他汀钙治疗组(40 mg,每晚1次)38例和阿托伐他汀钙联合依折麦布治疗组(阿托伐他汀钙20 mg,每晚1次;加用依折麦布10 mg,每晚1次)42例,治疗12周后,分析两组治疗前后血清胆固醇代谢标记物的变化.结果 治疗12周后阿托伐他汀钙联合依折麦布治疗组LDL-C水平较双倍阿托伐他汀钙治疗组明显下降[(1.81±0.38) mmol/L vs(2.01±0.43) mmol/L,P<0.05],两治疗组7烯胆甾醇和24-脱氢胆甾烷醇水平较治疗前均下降,双倍阿托伐他汀钙治疗组下降更明显(P均<0.05).治疗后12周后,阿托伐他汀钙联合依折麦布治疗组油菜甾醇、豆固醇和谷甾醇水平均明显下降,而双倍阿托伐他汀钙治疗组油菜甾醇、豆固醇和谷甾醇水平均明显上升.结论 对于应用他汀类药物后LDL-C不达标的ACS患者,阿托伐他汀钙联合依折麦布可同时降低胆固醇代谢标记物7烯胆甾醇、24-脱氢胆甾烷醇、油菜甾醇、豆固醇和谷甾醇,更有效地降低LDL-C水平.
    • 摘要: 出身习性荠菜多数野生,也可人工栽培。它耐寒力强,有板叶和散叶两大种,植株塌地生长(与地面紧贴),叶为披针状,边缘有齿。荠菜君和萝卜、白菜等皆出于以盛产蔬菜而著称的大家族"十字花科",因为开出两两相对的小白花,犹如"十"字。其蒴果呈倒三角形,像牧人的钱包,所以拉丁种名意为"牧人的钱包"。蒴果含种子,种子放在水里可分泌出粘稠物质,能粘住虫子,消灭蚊子的孑孓。《本草纲目》记载,荠菜有驱蚊等作用。
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