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桥脑的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计133篇,主要集中在神经病学与精神病学、临床医学、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文128篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献64108篇;相关期刊101种,包括医学影像学杂志、中国医学影像技术、中国实用内科杂志等; 相关会议5种,包括第二十四届航天医学年会暨第七届航天护理年会、首届中国中青年神经外科医师论坛、中国铁道学会全国铁路第三届神经外科学术会议等;桥脑的相关文献由361位作者贡献,包括高峰、刘宗明、林贵军等。



论文:128 占比:0.20%


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论文:64108 占比:99.79%





  • 高峰
  • 刘宗明
  • 林贵军
  • 郭辉
  • 刘兆孔
  • 包国庆
  • 周辉
  • 孙振柱
  • 孙维晔
  • 安玉玲
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李洁; 令潇; 岳松虹; 李浩源; 文涛; 张静
    • 摘要: 目的探讨正常胎儿脑干常用磁共振成像(MRI)生物学指标与孕周的相关性,建立MRI评估正常胎儿脑干发育的量化指标。方法收集2016年1月-2021年9月兰州大学第二医院产前胎儿脑MRI资料153例进行回顾性分析。根据T2加权像正中矢状位测量胎儿脑干各部分高度、前后径及截面积,分析与孕周的相关性。结果Pearson相关分析表明,胎儿脑干各部分高度、前后径及截面积与孕周均呈正相关关系,其中截面积的相关性最强,以桥脑最显著(r=0.963,P<0.05)。孕中晚期,桥脑的各项生物学指标增长速度最快、增长范围最大。小于孕28周,桥脑高度增长速度最快且大于前后径;大于孕28周,桥脑前后径增长速度最快且大于高度。结论胎儿脑干各部分高度、前后径及截面积与孕周明显呈正相关关系,经T2加权像正中矢状位测量脑干常用生物学指标可作为评估胎儿脑干生长发育的方法。
    • 李国安
    • 摘要: 颈椎病能诱发脑血管病李医生:我患有颈椎病多年,近一个时期常有眩晕出现,我担心这一症状是中风前兆,是否如此?原因何在?新疆满云燕满云燕读者:颈椎病是老年人的常见病,也是椎基底动脉供血不足的一个常见原因,由此可以诱发脑血管病变,如中风。椎动脉是经过颈椎横突孔上行的枕骨大孔进入颅内,在桥脑下沿左右合流为基底动脉,供应枕叶、颞叶、丘脑、脑干和小脑的血液。患颈椎病时,颈椎间孔变窄,项韧带钙化使得椎动脉直接受压或椎动脉周围交感神经受到刺激至椎动脉发生痉挛,从而引起椎基底动脉供血不足发生发作性眩晕,至腔隙性脑梗塞甚至脑出血。所以,积极治疗颈椎病,对于预防中风的发生是很有必要的。
    • 戴艳芳; 陈楠; 贾秀琴; 齐志刚; 段祥攻; 李坤成
    • 摘要: 目的 研究编码极相对桥脑区弥散加权成像(DWI)质量的影响.方法 对121例因中枢神经系统疾病就诊行常规颅脑磁共振检查患者,同时行前后、后前两相位编码方向DWI扫描,采用配对样本秩和检验和独立样本秩和检验进行统计分析相位编码对桥脑区图像对诊断主观评分的影响,并分析伪影类型对该评分影响.结果 对于桥脑区DWI,采用前后相位编码方向的诊断评分优于后前相位编码方向( Z =-6.959,P <0.001),拉伸伪影的评分优于压缩伪影( Z =-6.223,P <0.001),后前相位编码方向图像中伴有伪高信号者的诊断评分趋于更低( Z =-9.567,P <0.001).结论 桥脑区前后相位编码方向DWI磁敏感伪影对诊断的干扰小于后前相位编码方向.%Objective To study the effect of imaging quality in pontine with different phase encoding on diffusion weighted im-aging(DWI). Methods A total of 121 patients were enrolled in this study. For each subject,the protocol of DWI was repeat-ed,acquiring both phase-encoding directions, anterior-posterior (AP) and posterior-anterior (PA). The imaging quality of the two images and the influence of the artifact type on the score were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed by using Wilcoxon paired signed rank test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results The imaging quality of AP phase encoding direction was superior to that of PA( Z =-6.959,P <0.001). The score of tensile artifacts was better than that of compressive artifacts( Z =-6.223,P<0.001). The score of the pseudo-high signal in the AP phase encoding direction image tended to be lower( Z =-9.567,P <0.001). Conclusion The AP phase-encoding directions is superior to the PA in the diagnostic value for pontine.
    • 施辉; 周辉; 王富元; 孙维晔; 马逵; 薛峰; 刘飞
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨经膜髓帆入路手术治疗桥脑高血压相关性脑出血的适应证和围手术期处理及预后。方法回顾性分析23例桥脑背侧高血压相关性脑出血患者的临床资料,均经膜髓帆入路行手术治疗。结果23例患者以头颅CT显示脑干出血最大层面面积占该层脑干面积的百分比分组,小血肿组(≤50%)5例,大血肿组(>50%)18例,均行手术治疗。死亡7例,病死率30.4%(7/23例)。结论对于桥脑背侧高血压相关性出血患者,血肿量>50%或虽≤50%但意识障碍及神经系统症状进行性恶化或伴有急性梗阻性脑积水者应积极手术,膜髓帆入路是该部位出血手术治疗的理想入路,围手术期的有效处理可以提升疗效。%Objective To study the surgical treatment strategies , advantages and surgical indications of hypertensive pontine hemorrhage through transtelovelar approach .Methods A retrospective analysis of clinical data in 23 cases with hypertensive pontine hemorrhage from January 2010 to December 2014 in Lianyungang First People's Hospital.Results In the all 23 patients, hemorrhage located in the back of pons .According to percentage of the maximum level of pontine hemorrhage area and the pontine area ,there were 5 patients in small hematoma group (≤50%) ,and 18 cases in large hematoma group (>50%) ,All patients received microsurgical treatment to remove the hematoma through transtelovelar approach .The mortality was 30.4%(7/23).Conclusions The transtelovelar approach can provide adequately exposure to remove the pontine hematoma .The efficacy and prognosis of surgical treatment were satisfactory .Follow the surgical indication for pontine hemorrhage ,it can effectively reduce the mortality of pontine hemorrhage .
    • 孙利华; 俞向荣; 邵云; 繆伟锋; 羊正祥; 浦毅
    • 摘要: 目的 总结桥脑海绵状血管瘤的手术入路选择及疗效.方法 回顾性分析11例经显微手术治疗的桥脑海绵状血管瘤患者的临床资料,总结手术时机和手术入路选择,随访手术疗效.结果 术中均采用电生理监测,后期4例患者结合神经导航.根据肿瘤在桥脑的部位选择相应手术入路.11例患者中,10例在亚急性期手术,1例在慢性期手术.肿瘤全切10例,1例部分切除.神经功能明显改善8例,2例较术前无明显变化,1例术后28 d再次出血死亡.结论 对于有明确手术适应证的桥脑海绵状血管瘤,在亚急性期选择合适的手术入路,结合神经导航及电生理监测,手术疗效及预后较好.%Objective To summarize the selection of surgical apporach and the outcome of pons cavernous hemangiomas.Methods Data of 11 patients with pons cavernous hemangiomas were retrospectively analyzed,who received tumor resection under microscope.The selection of surgical approaches was summarized and the outcomes were analyzed.Results The surgery was performed by the guidance of neuroelectrophysiology,of whom 4 cases were done under the monitoring of neuronavigation.The total resection was reached in 10 cases in the subacute stage and 1 case received subtotal resection at the chronic time.The neural function after surgery was improved markedly in 8 patients,illness state was stable in 2 cases and 1 case died from rehaemorrhagia.Conclusion In the patients with pons cavernous hemangiomas having definite indication of operation,the satisfactory surgical efficacy and prognosis can be obtained when proper surgical approach is selected and the operation is performed using the neuroelectrophysiology monitoring and neuronavigation guidance.
    • 王辉; 陈楠; 李坤成; 段祥攻
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the brain function change of patients with pontine infarction with 3 fMRI resting-state functional connectivity measures .Methds The resting-state fMRI was acquired in 10 subacute pontine infarction patients and 10 normal controls .We firstly used degree centrality ( DC) and voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity ( VMHC ) to analyze the data , got the main brain function change of patients that was used as the region of interest (ROI), then, we used ROI-based functional connectivity ( ROI-FC) to analyze the brain network change of patients .Results In DC, there is no effect , in VMHC, the pa-tients have significant decrease in connectivity between bilateral border region of inferior parital lobule and angular gyrus .Taking it as the ROI, in ROI-FC, the patients have brain function disorder mainly in default mode network ( DMN) and left frontoparietal network ( FPN) .Conclusion Combined with the application of different functional connectivity measures , the brain function of pontine infarction patients can be investigated at different levels , which can get reliable and clinically relevant information .%目的:综合应用三种静息态fMRI功能连接类数据处理方法,探讨桥脑梗死患者脑功能的变化。方法应用静息态fMRI对10例亚急性期桥脑梗死患者及10例年龄、性别与患者匹配的健康正常志愿者进行扫描。首先采用度中心度( DC)和镜像组织功能连接( VMHC)对数据进行预分析,得到梗死患者脑功能的主要改变,然后利用预分析得到的结果作为感兴趣区( ROI),使用基于感兴趣区的功能连接( ROI-FC)分析梗死患者脑功能网络的改变。结果 DC未发现梗死患者脑功能的改变;VMHC发现梗死患者左右顶下小叶和角回交界部位之间的功能连接显著降低;以此为感兴趣区ROI-FC发现患者脑默认网络( DMN)和左额顶网络( FPN)功能紊乱。结论综合应用这三种静息态fMR I功能连接类数据处理方法,从不同角度分析桥脑梗死患者的脑功能改变,可以得到可靠且有临床针对性的信息。
    • 周辉; 王富元; 孙维晔; 施辉
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the surgical treatment strategies,advantages and surgical indications of pontine cavernous malformations (CMs) through transtelovelar approach.Methods This study included 12 patients with pontine CMs,admitted to our hospital from January 2009 to December 2014.The clinical data of these patients were retrospective study.Results All patients received microsurgical treatment to remove the pontine CMs located in the back of pons through transtelovelar approach.The total resection was achieved in all 12 patients.Follow up was performed for 4 to 36 months,no death case was noted.Postoperative complications of worsening original symptom were noted in one patient and new neurological symptoms in one.Conclusions The transtelovelar approach can provide adequate exposure to remove the brainstem CMs located in the back of pons.Long-term follow up indicates satisfactory efficacy and prognosis of microsurgical treatment.%目的 探讨经膜髓帆入路切除桥脑背侧海绵状血管畸形(CMs)的手术时机和手术指征. 方法 选取自2009年1月至2014年12月连云港市第一人民医院神经外科收治的12例桥脑背侧CMs患者的临床资料进行分析.所有患者均采用枕下后正中经膜髓帆入路进行手术切除,术中应用神经电生理监测. 结果 术后MR检查显示12例患者病灶均全切除,无手术死亡病例.1例患者术后肢体偏瘫较术前加重,1例患者术后新增面部麻木症状,半年后均恢复至术前.术后随访4~36个月,随访期内MR复查均未见病灶复发. 结论 经膜髓帆入路切除桥脑背侧CMs效果满意,长期随访预后良好.
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