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Driver的相关文献在1984年到2022年内共计178篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文173篇、专利文献5篇;相关期刊114种,包括中国介入心脏病学杂志、集成电路应用、今日电子等; Driver的相关文献由250位作者贡献,包括Kojiro Matsushita、Minoru Sasaki、Dmitry Vasiounin等。



论文:173 占比:97.19%


论文:5 占比:2.81%





  • Kojiro Matsushita
  • Minoru Sasaki
  • Dmitry Vasiounin
  • Oleg Semenov
  • Seyyed Meisam Taheri
  • 刘志国
  • 吴肖肖
  • 喻武龙
  • 李勇
  • 李盛
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • Han Tian; Tao Deng; Hongmei Yan
    • 摘要: Dear Editor,Traffic driving is a dynamic and complicated task in which drivers are required to pay close attention to the important targets or regions to maintain safe margins.Rainy weather conditions make it more challenging with factors such as low visibility,raindrops,pedestrian with umbrellas,wipers,etc.Studies showed that rainy condition affects driving safety significantly[1],[2].It is reported that,in raining weather condition,the odds for a fatal accident are 3.340 times higher on highways than on streets[3].An investigation of the relationship between rainfall and fatal crashes in Texas from 1994 to 2018 on fatality analysis reporting system(FARS)database illustrated that rain-related fatal crashes represented about 6.8%of the total fatal crashes on average,moreover,the proportion showed high variability at the annual,monthly,and hourly time scales[4].Therefore,raining is a complex and critical factor for road safety planning and management.In fact,the traffic environment is a dynamic scene with multiple sources of information,including important targets that are highly relevant to the current driving task as well as irrelevant targets that may distract the driving task[5].
    • Raghuveer Prasad Gouribhatla; Srinivas Subrahmanyam Pulugurtha
    • 摘要: Driver errors contribute to more than 94% of traffic crashes. Automotive companies are striving to enhance their vehicles to eliminate driver errors and reduce the number of crashes. Various advanced features like lane departure warning (LDW), blind spot warning (BSW), over speed warning (OSW), forward collision warning (FCW), lane keep assist (LKA), adaptive cruise control (ACC), cooperative ACC (CACC), and automated emergency braking (AEB) are designed to assist with, or in some cases take over, certain driving maneuvers. They can be broadly categorized into advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) and automated features. Each of these advanced features focuses on addressing a particular task of driving, thereby, aiding the driver, influencing their behavior, and enhancing safety. Many vehicles with these advanced features are penetrating into the market, yet the total reported number of crashes has increased in recent years. This paper presents a systematic review of these advanced features on driver behavior and safety. The review is categorized into 1) survey and mathematical methods to assess driver behavior, 2) field test methods to assess driver behavior, 3) microsimulation methods to assess driver behavior, 4) driving simulator methods to assess driver behavior, and 5) driver understanding and the effectiveness of advanced features. It is followed by conclusions, knowledge gaps, and need for further research.
    • Tong Liu; Mingwei Hu; Shining Ma; Yi Xiao; Yue Liu; Weitao Song
    • 摘要: Dear editor,This letter presents a user study to explore the effectiveness of gesture interaction in driver assistance system(DAS).Distracted driving is a specific form of driver inattention and distraction occurs when the drivers'attention is diverted from the driving to other activities.
    • 蒲鹏
    • 摘要: 新在11月16日,伴随NVIDIA Game Ready Driver 496.70驱动的升级,NVIDIA DLSS也迎来了2.3的版本升级。很多玩家不知道的是,这次升级其实不止DLSS 2.3,还包含NVIDIA Image Scaling(以下简称NIS)和NVIDIA Image Scaling SDK,前者集成在NVIDIA GeForce Experience中供用户使用,后者则是会对该功能推出的SDK,供游戏开发商使用。
    • 摘要: Diodes公司(NASDAQ:DIOD)今日宣布推出业界首创车用10Gbps USBC~?Display Port?替代(DP-Alt)模式线性Re Driver?IC,符合AEC-Q100Grade 3等级。DP-Alt模式允许Display Port讯号透过USB Type-C?接头传输。PI3DPX1207Q支持8.1Gbps DP1.4及10Gbps USB 3.2规格.
    • 吕震华(文/图)
    • 摘要: 前段时间,哔哩哔哩全面开放4K视频投稿一下子吸引了许多内容创作者的关注,很短的时间内便有不少UP主上传了自己制作的4K视频,同时蜂拥而至的观众也表明了4K视频的热度与需求。事实上,哔哩哔哩全面开放4K视频投稿我们可以看作是迎合5G的发展需求。就像4G加速了短视频内容爆发一样,在5G的普及之下,无论是4K视频还是其他有关于视频方面的内容创作也会迎来新一轮的爆发。但问题来了,高分辨率视频渲染往往需要花费大量时间,对于视频的创作效率而言,即使是平台与软件支持,硬件性能上的不足,仍旧会影响UP主们的产出速度,为UP主们带来更大的压力。那么UP主们如何才能在既保持高品质4K视频创作的同时,又能有效地提高生产效率呢?NVIDIA Studio Driver+GeForce RTX显卡或许便是这个问题比较中肯的答案。
    • 夏松(文/图)
    • 摘要: 如果在以前,有人告诉你说换一张游戏显卡,用SketchUp做的场景渲染效率就能得到5倍以上的提升,你或许会认为有些“天方夜谭”。但现在,这的确已经成为事实,NVIDIA GeForce RTX显卡+NVIDIA Studio Driver+Chaos V-Ray渲染器,的确给SketchUP这款在设计师群体中有广泛应用的专业设计软件注入了更为强大的生命力。如果你觉得我们是在“吹牛”的话,那么就让我们用宁美-卓-CA12的测试体验来说话吧!
    • 果果(文/图)
    • 摘要: 在2019年初,NVIDIA Studio Driver计划在NVIDIA GPU技术大会上公布之时,就曾坦言它将带来一场PC创作领域内的变革。而后,NVIDIA联合诸多笔记本电脑厂商推出了NVIDIA RTX Studio认证笔记本电脑,为从事创作创造的用户打开了一扇全新的、成本更低的“从业”大门。而《微型计算机》在此前也对NVIDIA RTX Studio笔记本电脑进行过多次报道。就在不久前的CES 2020展会上,NVIDIA又联合System Builder厂商推出了新的产品线—RTX Studio PC,当战线从笔记本电脑扩展到台式PC上时,RTX Studio PC又将对传统的PC行业带来怎样的变化?RTX Studio PC到底有着怎样的性能表现?《微型计算机》决定在System Builder厂商的RTX Studio PC全面上市之前,用实际的测试来一探究竟。
    • Li Kaizhi
    • 摘要: Driver,engineer,fishmonger-it’s hard to imagine any connection between these three occupations,but Yang Jie,a young man from east China’s Anhui Province,has strung them together.With what he has achieved in the battle against the COVID-19 epidemic,Yang has proved the old saying that"nothing is impossible to a willing heart."
    • Joseph Kamau Muguro; Minoru Sasaki; Kojiro Matsushita
    • 摘要: Road traffic accidents are a major cause of casualties and costly implications to all the stakeholders. Research focusing on the driver as one of the causal agent of accidents has been studied for centuries and with the advent of modernized driver assistance technologies. This paper sought to evaluate response of a driver using active-driving performance indicators like reaction time and physiological signal response (surface electromyogram), to understand hazard response behavior. Simulation of driving scenes was done using Unity3D engine and VR Head mounted display. The driver was presented with stimulus (collision objects) of different size and distance. From the results, an event scene that the driver considered hazardous was marked with increased electromyography response distinct from non-event scenes. From the results, we noted an increase in pedal misapplication during hazard response. The proposed approach is applicable in a real time driving analysis for on-road risk level classification.
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