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数控磨削的相关文献在1991年到2022年内共计214篇,主要集中在金属学与金属工艺、机械、仪表工业、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文108篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献106257篇;相关期刊59种,包括湖南工业大学学报、湖北工业大学学报、新技术新工艺等; 相关会议1种,包括2006年全国先进材料成形与模具技术会议等;数控磨削的相关文献由397位作者贡献,包括宾鸿赞、谢晋、熊烽等。



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  • 宾鸿赞
  • 谢晋
  • 熊烽
  • 何耀雄
  • 余自
  • 刘平义
  • 吴冲浒
  • 姚斌
  • 彭克立
  • 明兴祖
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈志同; 朱燏; 张云; 刘瑞松; 吴宁宁; 张武刚; 程璋; 徐启洋; 刘安洪
    • 摘要: 针对航空发动机整体叶盘进排气边曲率半径小、材料加工难度大、工具磨损快、编程难度大、加工周期长和容易产生加工变形等问题,对多种整体叶盘的磨削加工技术进行了系统的研究,总结了一系列整体叶盘的CBN砂轮数控磨削加工技术,开发了专用的整体叶盘编程模块.利用鼓形砂轮插磨方法和宽行周磨方法实现了整体叶盘叶片的全型面高精度磨削,加工面轮廓精度提高到15~20μm,最小进排气边圆弧半径达到28.7μm.利用几何自适应磨削加工方法实现整体叶盘进排气边的局部磨削加工,接刀痕迹低于10μm.提出了整体叶盘的三轴圆柱坐标磨削方法和圆周阵列磨削方法,可望将叶片长度不大于60mm整体叶盘的加工时间从数十乃至数百小时缩短到3h以内.
    • 管红艳
    • 摘要: 为了提高凸轮轴轮形加工精度,以凸轮轴XC两轴联动磨削加工为例,分析了凸轮轴轮廓加工原理及加工运动分析,建立了凸轮轮廓误差分析模型,提出一种采用专家PID交叉耦合控制对误差进行补偿的方法.通过与砂轮反转法廓形误差进行对比,研究发现:专家PID交叉耦合补偿控制误差的方法可以大幅度提高凸轮轴的轮廓加工精度.本研究对提高凸轮轴加工精度及性能优化具有一定的参考价值.
    • 杨青; 潘晖宪; 李保山
    • 摘要: 针对动叶片在榫齿加工制造中的定位,设计了专用的浇铸定位工装,提供了榫头在后续加工时所需要的受力条件,解决了以曲面叶身为定位基准加工动叶片榫齿的难题。
    • 杨寿智; 邓朝晖; 刘伟; 李建; 彭克立
    • 摘要: 在分析国内外磨削加工误差分析与补偿研究现状基础上,针对X 轴和C 轴两轴联动的凸轮轴数控磨削的轮廓误差提出一种轮廓误差分析和补偿策略,以提高凸轮磨削加工精度。基于凸轮轴数控磨削的X-C联动运动模型,推导了由凸轮升程表到磨削加工位移表的数学模型;指出凸轮升程与轮廓的误差变化规律在趋势上具有一致性。基于最小二乘多项式方法对多次磨削加工实验的凸轮升程误差进行一系列拟合处理,得到稳定的、可重复的凸轮升程预测误差;将升程预测误差按一定比例反向叠加到理论升程表中,采用最小二乘多项式法进行光顺,得到光顺的虚拟升程表;利用虚拟升程表对同类型凸轮轴进行磨削加工实验。实验结果表明,砂轮架速度和加速度在机床伺服响应范围之内,凸轮最大升程误差与最大相邻误差降低,凸轮轮廓表面粗糙度值满足加工要求,从而证明该误差分析和补偿方法是正确可行的。%Based on the current situations of grinding error analysis and compensation,a new con-tour error analysis and compensation method was proposed for camshaft CNC grinding in X-C axis linkage,to improve the accuracy of cam grinding.According to the camshaft grinding motion model in X-C axis linkage,the mathematical model was derived for cam lifting to grinding offset.It pointed out that the variation trends of cam lifting errors and contour errors were basically the same.Then a stable and repeatable cam lifting errors could be predicted with series fitting of cam lifting errors from multiple grinding experiments,using least square method.By inverse superposition of predicted lifting errors to theoretical lifting table in a certain proportion,the virtual lifting table could be obtained after the smoothing using least square method.Finally,the camshaft grinding experiments were applied ac-cording to the virtual table.The experimental results indicated that:the speed and acceleration of grinding carriage are basically in the response range of grinder servo,the maximum cam lifting error and the maximum adj acent error are decreased,the surface roughness satisfies with the processing re-quirements.It is proved that the error analysis and compensation methods are correct and feasible.
    • 摘要: “高效精密数控磨削用系列超硬材料砂轮”课题:由郑州磨料磨具磨削研究所有限公司承担,合作单位有:湖南大学、白鸽磨料磨具有限公司、上海机床厂有限公司、北京第二机床厂有限公司、武汉重型机床集团公司。
    • 余良伟; 陈绪兵; 余志; 张锋
    • 摘要: 凸轮轴的升程误差是评价其轮廓几何精度及表面磨削振纹的重要指标。在数控磨削加工工艺条件下发现,六缸四冲程货车YC6108凸轮轴的升程误差不符合要求。因此,从工件、夹具、工艺参数、冷却液、砂轮半径、金刚笔、中心架、顶尖、尾架和检验等方面分析了凸轮升程误差的抑制方法。经实测验证,提出的抑制方法能够确保凸轮型线满足公差要求。研究成果对于凸轮轴相关零件的工艺分析和质量控制具有一定的借鉴意义。
    • 蒋进科; 方宗德; 彭先龙
    • 摘要: 为减小齿轮振动与噪音,设计对角修形斜齿轮齿面,根据啮合原理推导其径向剃齿刀齿面;根据齿条展成渐开线齿面原理,结合Y7432平面砂轮磨齿机,建立有齿向平移运动的平面砂轮磨齿CNC模型;建立基于CNC机床各轴及砂轮轴向廓形敏感性分析的齿面修正模型,各轴运动用6阶多项式表示,分析0阶及1阶系数变化对齿面误差的影响;通过判断砂轮与剃齿刀齿面的接触状态,确定磨削齿面的误差,以误差平方和最小为目标函数,采用粒子群优化算法,得到机床各轴运动及砂轮轴向廓形参数。结果表明:该算法计算结果稳定,降低了磨削误差;对角修形斜齿轮的径向剃齿刀拓扑修形曲面基本为齿向反鼓形与对角修形曲面叠加;沿齿向方向的压力角、展成运动角、螺旋角参数微调可分别实现一定的对角修形加工;砂轮增加齿向运动构成3轴联动,减小了砂轮半径,可用于磨削大螺旋角、大齿宽对角修形斜齿轮。%An approach based on CNC grinding machine of plunge shaving cutter for diagonal modified helical gear was proposed to reduce grinding errors and improve meshing performance. Firstly, the corresponding plunge shaving cutter surfaces for the diagonal modified helical pinion was established based on gear theory. Secondly, a free⁃form flank topographic correction method based on Y7432 grinding machine, with flat wheel translated along normal sections of invented rack⁃cutter, was established according to principle of rack⁃cutter generating involute pinion. Thirdly, an error correction model based on a sensitivity analysis was determined, each axis of the machine was formulated as a six⁃degree polynomial and a disturbed polynomial coefficient on the topographic flank errors was developed by estimating whether the wheel contacted with the pinion. Finally, using minimum squared error as the objective function to get the smallest grind errors, the PSO optimization algorithm was introduced to solve equations of the corrections, and the polynomial coefficients were ascertained. The result shows that the methods can effectively reduce the grinding error, and the topologically modified tooth for plunge cutter can be represented by sum of longitudinal and diagonal deviations surface. The slight variations in pressure angle and generating angle and helix angle can attain some specific diagonal modified tooth respectively, besides, the diagonal modified helical gear with big size and helix angle can then be efficiently ground by slightly adjusting three⁃axis movement with a smaller translating flat wheel.
    • 辛宗艳
    • 摘要: 本文分析了整体立铣刀的几何结构参数,生成对应的数控磨削程序.最后,在VERICUT中运行得到的NC程序,并验证了仿真结果正确性.
    • 韩会杰; 郁春锋; 张晓娟; 苑少强
    • 摘要: 根据国外对镶片锯日益提高的质量和供货期要求,经过研究分析,重新设计了生产工艺.采用刀片激光切割与线切割相结合的方式加工刀片外形尺寸,提高加工精度和速度;采用数控钻孔加工刀片和片体的铆钉孔,提高刀片的互换性;采用数控机床磨削钳口槽,保证钳口槽的对称度和粗糙度指标;采用合金磨床磨削齿型等方法改进原有的镶片锯加工工艺,既确保了镶片锯的产品质量,又明显提高了镶片锯的产能.
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