首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Use of menopausal estrogens and medroxyprogesterone in the United States, 1982-1992.

Use of menopausal estrogens and medroxyprogesterone in the United States, 1982-1992.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe trends in the prescription of menopausal estrogens and medroxyprogesterone in the United States. METHODS: Annual estimates of the number of prescriptions for menopausal estrogens and medroxyprogesterone and descriptive information on patients and providers were obtained from two pharmaceutical marketing research data bases, the National Prescription Audit and the National Disease and Therapeutic Index of IMS America. RESULTS: An estimated 13.6 million prescriptions were dispensed for oral menopausal estrogens in 1982, and 31.7 million in 1992, a 2.3-fold increase (P = .0001). In 1992, Premarin, the only oral conjugated estrogen currently approved for use, was the most frequently dispensed brand-name pharmaceutical in the United States. Dispensed prescriptions for Estraderm, a transdermal estradiol first marketed in 1986, increased from 1.5 million in 1987 to 4.7 million in 1992. Dispensed prescriptions for oral medroxyprogesterone also increased from 2.3 million prescriptions in 1982 to 11.3 million in 1992, a 4.9-fold increase (P = .0001). An estimated one in six to one in four postmenopausal women were taking menopausal hormones in 1992. These drugs were prescribed mainly by obstetrician-gynecologists. CONCLUSION: The use of menopausal estrogens and medroxyprogesterone has increased substantially over the past decade. These trends indicate that American women are widely exposed to menopausal hormone replacement.
机译:目的:描述美国更年期雌激素和甲羟孕酮处方的趋势。方法:绝经期雌激素和甲羟孕酮处方数量的年度估计值以及有关患者和提供者的描述性信息是从两个药品营销研究数据库(美国国家处方审计和美国IMS的国家疾病与治疗指数)获得的。结果:1982年,口服绝经雌激素的处方估计为1,360万张,1992年为3,170万张,增长了2.3倍(P = .0001)。 1992年,Premarin是目前被批准使用的唯一口服结合型雌激素,它是美国分配最频繁的品牌药。 Estraderm是一种经皮雌二醇于1986年首次投放市场的处方,从1987年的150万增加到1992年的470万。口服甲羟孕酮的处方也从1982年的230万增加到1992年的1130万,增长了4.9倍( P = .0001)。据估计,1992年绝经后妇女中有六分之一至四分之一正在服用绝经激素。这些药物主要由妇产科医生开处方。结论:在过去十年中,绝经期雌激素和甲羟孕酮的使用已大大增加。这些趋势表明,美国妇女广泛接触更年期激素替代品。



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