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Zeal of Acceptance: Balancing Image and Business in Early Twentieth-century American Dentistry


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In April 1931, the American Dental Association's Seal of Acceptance was introduced. The seal is still in use today and has been widely praised in dental literature as a symbol of safety, efficacy and credibility within dental therapeutics and an icon of professionalism for the American Dental Association. The celebratory rhetoric perpetuates a problematic narrative of a unified profession. I argue that it is necessary to go beyond the standard narrative. The complex history of the introduction of the acceptance programme in 1930 and 1931 revolves around personal zeal and struggles for authority between different fractions within the American Dental Association seeking to balance professional ideals with economic necessities. I show how authority and professional identity was claimed, redistributed and communicated within a professional organisation, and demonstrate how the seal was invoked to influence marketing strategies of dental manufacturers, reverse the relationship between manufacturers and the profession of dentistry, to brand dentistry in a wider, public context, and how it became an economic thorn in the side of the Board of Trustees of the American Dental Association.
机译:1931年4月,引入了美国牙科协会的接受印章。该密封件至今仍在使用,并在牙科文献中被广泛赞誉为牙科治疗中安全性,功效和信誉的象征,也是美国牙科协会专业精神的象征。庆祝性的言论使统一职业的叙事一直存在。我认为有必要超越标准的叙述。 1930年和1931年引入接受计划的复杂历史围绕着个人的热情和在美国牙科协会内不同部门之间寻求权威的斗争,力求在职业理想与经济必需品之间取得平衡。我将展示如何在一个专业组织内主张,重新分配和传达权威和专业身份,并演示如何使用该印章来影响牙科制造商的营销策略,逆转制造商与牙科专业之间的关系,并在更广泛的范围内推广到品牌牙科,公共环境以及它如何成为美国牙科协会董事会的经济荆棘。



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