首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education: An Official Pubblication of the Information Resources Management Association >The Effects of Problem-Based Learning with Flipped Classroom on Elementary Students' Computing Skills: A Case Study of the Production of Ebooks

The Effects of Problem-Based Learning with Flipped Classroom on Elementary Students' Computing Skills: A Case Study of the Production of Ebooks


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This study investigated, via quasi-experiments, the effects of problem-based learning with flipped classroom (FPBL) on the development of students' learning performance. In this study, 144 elementary school students were selected from six grade sections taking a course titled 'Production of Ebook', and were assigned into the following three groups: FPBL group (n = 50), PBL group (n = 48), Control group (n = 46). The authors collected both quantitative and qualitative data, including interviews with students and teacher's journal. Based on the analysis in this study, it is found that the effect of FPBL on improving students' learning performance was significantly higher than other teaching methods investigated This research provides an innovative design and illustration of PBL for teachers, educators, and schools which pay attention to enhancing students' learning performance.
机译:本研究通过准实验调查了翻转课堂基于问题的学习(FPBL)对学生学习成绩发展的影响。在这项研究中,从六个年级部分选出了144个小学生,他们的课程名为“电子书的生产”,并分为以下三组:FPBL组(n = 50),PBL组(n = 48),对照组组(n = 46)。作者收集了定量和定性数据,包括对学生和教师日记的采访。根据本研究的分析,发现FPBL在改善学生学习成绩方面的效果明显高于其他调查的教学方法。这项研究为教师,教育者和学校提供了创新的PBL设计和插图,供关注以提高学生的学习成绩。



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