首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric transplantation. >Outcomes of Berlin Heart EXCOR EXCOR ? ? pediatric ventricular assist device support in patients with restrictive and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Outcomes of Berlin Heart EXCOR EXCOR ? ? pediatric ventricular assist device support in patients with restrictive and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

机译:柏林心求象的结果? 还 具有限制性和肥厚性心肌病的患者的小儿心室辅助装置支持

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Abstract The outcomes of pediatric ventricular assist device support in patients with diastolic heart failure have not been well described. This study reviews the North American experience with Berlin Heart EXCOR ? ventricular assist device implants in children with such physiology. The Berlin Heart clinical database was reviewed. Patients with primary diastolic dysfunction are included in this study. Twenty pediatric patients with restrictive cardiomyopathy (n?=?13), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (n?=?3), or congenital heart disease with restrictive physiology (n?=?4) who were supported with EXCOR ? were identified. Of these, nine (45%) were successfully bridged to transplant, one (5%) weaned from support, and 10 (50%) died after support was withdrawn. Of patients under age 3?years (n?=?13), 38.5% survived, whereas those aged 3 or older (n?=?7) had 71.4% survival ( P ?=?.35). Biventricular assist device (BiVAD) patients experienced a 27.3% survival, vs 77.8% for patients with left ventricular assist device only ( P ?=?.07). Primary causes of death included stroke, infection, acidosis, multisystem organ failure, and bleeding. Pediatric patients with diastolic heart failure comprise a high‐risk population for mechanical circulatory support. However, half of patients with this physiology have been successfully supported to explant with EXCOR ? . The trends toward higher mortality for younger patients and those receiving BiVAD support warrant consideration.
机译:摘要舒张性心力衰竭患者对小儿心室辅助装置支持的结果尚未得到很好的描述。这项研究审查了柏林心脏求象的北美经验?心室辅助装置植入儿童的生理学。审查了柏林心脏临床数据库。本研究包括原发性舒张功能障碍的患者。二十个儿科患者有限制性心肌病(n?= 13),肥厚性心肌病(n?= 3),或具有限制性生理学的先天性心脏病(n?=?4)被支持的人?被确定了。其中,9(45%)成功桥接到移植,从载体中断奶,10(50%)在载体中取消了10(50%)。在3岁以下的患者?年(n?=?13),幸存下来38.5%,而3岁或以上的人(n?=?7)的存活率为71.4%(p?= 35)。五年级辅助装置(双抗)患者的存活率为27.3%,左心室辅助装置的患者仅为77.8%(P?= 07)。死亡原因包括中风,感染,酸中毒,多系统器官衰竭和出血。舒张性心力衰竭的儿科患者包括用于机械循环支撑的高风险群体。然而,一半的这种生理学患者已经成功地支持excor and and ancor? 。对年轻患者的提高死亡率和接受双边支持的人的趋势。



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