首页> 外文期刊>Chronobiology international >Progressive decrease of melatonin production over consecutive days of simulated night work

Progressive decrease of melatonin production over consecutive days of simulated night work


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Decreased melatonin production, due to nighttime exposure to light, has been proposed as one of the physiological mechanisms increasing cancer risk in night workers. However, few studies measured melatonin production in night workers, and most of these studies did not measure melatonin over 24 h. One study compared total melatonin production between day and night shifts in rotating night workers and did not find significant differences. However, without baseline measures, it was not possible to exclude that melatonin production was reduced during both day and night work. Here, we used data collected in a simulation study of night work to determine the effect of night work on both nighttime and 24-h melatonin production, during three consecutive days of simulated night work. Thirty-eight healthy subjects (15 men, 23 women; 26.6 +/- 4.2 years) participated in a 6-d laboratory study. Circadian phase assessments were made with salivary dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) on the first and last days. Simulated day work (09:00-17:00 h) occurred on the second day, followed by three consecutive days of simulated night work (00:00-08:00 h). Light intensity at eye level was set at 50 lux during both simulated day and night work. The subjects were divided into three matched groups exposed to specific daytime light profiles that produced various degrees of circadian phase delays and phase advances. Melatonin production was estimated with the excretion of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s). For the entire protocol, urine was collected every 2 h, except for the sleep episodes when the interval was 8 h. The aMT6s concentration in each sample was multiplied by the urine volume and then added to obtain total aMT6s excretion during nighttime (00:00-08:00 h) and during each 24-h day (00:00-00:00 h). The results showed that melatonin production progressively decreased over consecutive days of simulated night work, both during nighttime and over the 24 h. This decrease was larger in women using oral contraceptives. There was no difference between the three groups, and the magnitude of the decrease in melatonin production for nighttime and for the 24 h was not associated with the magnitude of the absolute circadian phase shift. As light intensity was relatively low and because the decrease in melatonin production was progressive, direct suppression by nighttime light exposure was probably not a significant factor. However, according to previous experimental observations, the decrease in melatonin production most likely reflects the circadian disruption associated with the process of re-entrainment. It remains to be determined whether reduced melatonin production can be harmful by itself, but long-term and repeated circadian disruption most probably is.
机译:由于夜间暴露于光线下,褪黑激素的产生减少已被认为是增加夜间工作人员患癌风险的生理机制之一。但是,很少有研究测量夜班工人褪黑激素的产生,而这些研究大多数都没有在24小时内测量褪黑激素。一项研究比较了轮班的夜班工人昼夜之间褪黑激素的总产量,但没有发现显着差异。但是,如果没有基线措施,则不可能排除白天和晚上工作中褪黑激素的产生减少。在这里,我们使用在夜间工作的模拟研究中收集的数据来确定夜间工作在连续三天的模拟夜间工作中对夜间和24小时褪黑素产生的影响。 38名健康受试者(15名男性,23名女性; 26.6 +/- 4.2岁)参加了为期6天的实验室研究。在第一天和最后几天,通过唾液暗淡褪黑激素发作(DLMO)进行昼夜节律评估。在第二天进行了模拟的日间工作(09:00-17:00 h),随后连续三天进行了模拟的夜间工作(00:00-08:00 h)。在模拟的白天和晚上工作期间,眼睛水平的光强度设置为50 lux。将受试者分为三个匹配的组,这些组暴露于特定的白天光照特征下,产生不同程度的昼夜节律相位延迟和相位提前。褪黑激素的产生是通过尿中的6-硫酸根氧基褪黑激素(aMT6s)的排泄来估算的。对于整个实验方案,每2小时收集一次尿液,但间隔为8小时的睡眠发作除外。将每个样品中的aMT6s浓度乘以尿液量,然后相加以获得夜间(00:00-08:00 h)和每24小时(00:00-00:00 h)的总aMT6s排泄量。结果表明,在夜间和24小时内,在连续的模拟夜间工作中,褪黑激素的产生逐渐减少。使用口服避孕药的女性这一下降幅度更大。三组之间没有差异,并且夜间和24 h褪黑激素产生的减少幅度与绝对昼夜相移的幅度无关。由于光强度相对较低,并且由于褪黑激素的产生逐渐减少,因此夜间曝光直接抑制可能不是重要因素。然而,根据先前的实验观察,褪黑激素产生的减少很可能反映了与重新夹带过程有关的昼夜节律紊乱。减少褪黑激素的产生是否本身是否会造成危害尚待确定,但长期反复的昼夜节律破坏很可能是有害的。



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