首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cross-cultural psychology >Sociotropy and autonomy vulnerabilities to depressed mood: A daily life comparison of reunion island and metropolitan France

Sociotropy and autonomy vulnerabilities to depressed mood: A daily life comparison of reunion island and metropolitan France


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The current study examines whether sociotropy and autonomy traits prospectively predict depressed mood following daily events in young adults and considers whether relationships between personality, daily events, and mood differ by cultural context. Samples in Metropolitan France (n = 99) and Reunion Island (n = 70) participated in identical ambulatory monitoring procedures over a 1-week period and were assessed relative to cultural variables and additional psychological vulnerabilities known to influence depression or stress reactivity. Sociotropy heightened depressed mood responses to negative interpersonal events in Metropolitan France but not in Reunion Island. This finding was replicated when a continuous measure of cultural investment replaced geographic location. Contrary to Beck's theory, there was no evidence that autonomy moderated the relationship between subjective achievement events and depressed mood at either site. The results are discussed in terms of the cultural specificity of cognitive vulnerability-stress theories of depression, as well as their usefulness for explaining normal mood variance in daily life.
机译:本研究检查了社会向性和自主性特征是否能预测年轻人日常事件后的抑郁情绪,并考虑人文,日常事件和情绪之间的关系是否因文化背景而异。法国大都市(n = 99)和留尼汪岛(n = 70)的样本在1周的时间内参加了相同的门诊监测程序,并根据文化变量和已知会影响抑郁症或压力反应性的其他心理脆弱性进行了评估。在法国大都市,社交能力增强了对负面的人际交往事件的沮丧情绪响应,而在留尼汪岛则没有。当一项持续的文化投资措施取代地理位置后,这一发现便得到了重复。与贝克的理论相反,没有证据表明自主性能够缓和主观成就事件与情绪低落之间的关系。将根据认知脆弱性-压力理论的文化特殊性及其对解释日常生活中正常情绪变化的有用性来讨论研究结果。



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