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Dissecting napa valley cabernet sauvignon


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apa Vallen lerroircan In-' boiled down into a few easv points. Its hotter in the north andeast, cooler iji the south and wast. The temperature drops as elevation increases. The mountains have thinner, poorer soils than the benches and flatlands. So. there von go. Napa Yalley Cabernet Sainignon in three easy lessons. But. of course, its not that simple.Enter the winemak'er.If Mother Nature was the onIv voice, figuring out XapaCab would be a cinch.But. as wincmaker Nick Goldschinidt". who crafts his own Napa Cabernet from Oakville fruit, says. "Geuericallv. all the Cabernet winemaking techniques have become closer between wineries—Iong skin contacts, picking at 2fi brix [or higher], lots of new oak."This template tends to mitigate the impact of climate and soil, resulting in wines that seem alike.In geek-speak, this "international style" can make it difficult even for experts to tell the difference between, sav. a Cabernet from Oakville and one from Rutherford.
机译:apa Vallen lerroircan In-'简化为几个easv点。北部和东部较热,南部较冷,即吉吉,而荒凉。温度随着海拔升高而下降。与长凳和平原相比,山地的土壤更薄,更贫瘠。所以。那里去。纳帕·雅利(Napa Yalley)赤霞珠(Cainnet Sainignon)分为三个简单的课程。但。当然,这并不是那么简单。输入winemak'er,如果大自然母亲是onIv的声音,那么弄清楚XapaCab会很麻烦。如Wincmaker Nick Goldschinidt所说。”他用Oakville的水果制作了自己的Napa Cabernet,说:“ Geuericallv。各个酒庄之间的所有Cabernet酿酒技术都已越来越紧密-与皮肤接触紧密,以2fi糖度[或更高]采摘,大量新橡木桶。“此模板易于减轻气候和土壤的影响,从而产生出看上去相似的葡萄酒。用极客的话说,这种“国际风格”甚至使专家很难说出奥克维尔的赤霞珠和卢瑟福的赤霞珠之间的区别。



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