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Secure peer-to-peer trading in small- and large-scale multiplayer games


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A fundamental aspect of many multiplayer online games is the ability to trade items between players. Trading may occur with items that were found in the virtual environment, included as pieces of the game, or purchased by the player as assets. Regardless of the types of items, any multiplayer game that supports trading or exchanging items in the game must do so in a secure manner. We have developed a protocol to solve the problem of secure peer-to-peer trading in games in which the primary concern is that items are exchanged fairly, and additionally that items are not duplicated. Our protocol enables one-way and two-way trades and can be extended to multi-item trades in both small- and large-scale games where trades last only for the duration of a session or are persistent. We show that our protocol addresses the security threats which it might encounter, and then provide an analysis to demonstrate its scalability.



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