首页> 外文期刊>Journal of managerial psychology >An empirical exploration of psychological contract violation and individual behaviour: The case of Canadian federal civil servants in Quebec

An empirical exploration of psychological contract violation and individual behaviour: The case of Canadian federal civil servants in Quebec


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Purpose - The purpose of the research is to demonstrate the impact of psychological contract infringement (independent variable) on organizational commitment, exit, voice and neglect (dependent variables) within a Canadian federal public organization located in Quebec, where individual (e.g. age), organizational (e.g. stricter rule enforcement) and situational (e.g., employment alternatives) variables are controlled. Design/methodology/approach - A pre-tested questionnaire (204 questions) on the psychological contract was distributed to 357 Canadian civil servants in a one site federal department. One hundred and thirty-two questionnaires were returned and considered usable for research, for a 37 per cent response rate. Bivariate analysis was performed on the various determinants and individual responses to psychological contract violation, including organizational commitment, departure designs and counterproductive behaviors. Findings - Results clearly illustrate the great complexity of the link between organizational variables and individual reactions and shed light, on a higher level, on the need to outgrow arguments that reduce bureaucracy to its mere perverse effects. These results suggest that the managerial challenge is not so much to produce a shift from an environment where the rule of law, standards and regulations prevails to an open and flexible environment where individual autonomy is prized as it is to ensure compliance with normative and regulatory constraints. Originality/value - The research seeks to enrich the knowledge base on the subject area because previous research has dealt almost exclusively with the psychological contract within large private companies.
机译:目的-研究的目的是为了证明心理合同侵权(自变量)对位于魁北克的加拿大联邦公共组织内个人承诺(例如年龄)的组织承诺,退出,话语权和疏忽(因变量)的影响,组织(例如,更严格的规则执行)和情境(例如,就业选择)变量得到控制。设计/方法/方法-将有关心理契约的预先测试问卷(204个问题)分发给一个站点联邦部门中的357名加拿大公务员。退回了一百二十二份调查问卷,认为可用于研究,答复率为37%。对各种决定因素和个人对违反心理契约的反应进行双变量分析,包括组织承诺,离职设计和适得其反的行为。调查结果-结果清楚地说明了组织变量与个人反应之间的联系的高度复杂性,并且从更高层次上阐明了需要增加将官僚机构减少到其纯粹有害影响的论点。这些结果表明,管理挑战绝非是要从法治,标准和法规盛行的环境转变为重视个人自治的开放灵活的环境,而是要确保遵守规范和监管约束。 。原创性/价值-该研究旨在丰富学科领域的知识基础,因为先前的研究几乎只涉及大型私营公司内部的心理契约。



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