首页> 外文期刊>Case Reports in Infectious Diseases >Skin Abscess due toSerratia marcescensin an Immunocompetent Patient after Receiving a Tattoo

Skin Abscess due toSerratia marcescensin an Immunocompetent Patient after Receiving a Tattoo




The incidence of skin infections caused bySerratia marcescensis extremely low and such infections are typically observed in immunocompromised patients. The clinical manifestations of these infections include cellulitis, abscesses, fluctuant nodules, or granulomatous lesions. Infections caused byS. marcescensare very difficult to treat due to their resistance to many antibiotics, which often leads to specific and prolonged treatment. Infections after receiving a tattoo are very rare and are caused by unhygienic conditions or the inexperience of the tattooist. In this paper we present the case of a 32-year-old male with no comorbidity, who presented an abscess caused byS. marcescensin a area that was tattooed one month earlier. The case was resolved with surgery and antimicrobial therapy that was based on the antibiogram. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of aS. marcescensskin infection following a tattoo, in the absence of immunosuppression.
机译:由粘质沙雷氏菌引起的皮肤感染的发生率极低,并且这种感染通常在免疫功能低下的患者中观察到。这些感染的临床表现包括蜂窝织炎,脓肿,多发性结节或肉芽肿性病变。 S引起的感染。 marcescens非常难以治疗,因为它们对许多抗生素具有抗药性,这常常导致特异性和长期的治疗。纹身后感染非常罕见,是由不卫生的情况或纹身师缺乏经验引起的。在本文中,我们介绍了一个32岁无合并症的男性病例,该病例表现出由S引起的脓肿。 marcescensin一个月前被纹身的区域。该病例通过以抗菌素为基础的手术和抗菌治疗得以解决。据我们所知,这是第一例报告的aS病例。在没有免疫抑制的情况下,纹身后出现马氏cen皮肤感染。



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