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Cues for Better Writing: Empirical Assessment of a Word Counter and Cueing Application's Effectiveness


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Written clarity and conciseness are desired by employers and emphasized in business communication courses. We developed and tested the efficacy of a cueing tool-Scribe Bene-to help students reduce their use of imprecise and ambiguous words and wordy phrases. Effectiveness was measured by comparing cue word usage between a treatment group given the tool and a control group without the tool. In written assignments, the treatment group used 16 of 23 cue words significantly less than the control group and this effect persisted over time. Implications for using automated cueing tools in teaching written communication skills are discussed.
机译:用人单位要求书面要清晰明了,在商务交流课程中要强调。我们开发并测试了提示工具Scribe Bene的功效,以帮助学生减少对不精确和模棱两可的单词和词性短语的使用。通过比较使用该工具的治疗组和不使用该工具的对照组之间的提示词用法来评估有效性。在书面作业中,治疗组使用的23个提示词中有16个明显少于对照组,并且这种影响随着时间的推移而持续。讨论了使用自动提示工具来教授书面交流技巧的含义。



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