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重庆模式的相关文献在1989年到2018年内共计171篇,主要集中在交通运输经济、中国政治、世界各国经济概况、经济史、经济地理 等领域,其中期刊论文170篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献61716篇;相关期刊129种,包括法制与社会、领导决策信息、人民论坛等; 相关会议1种,包括第一届重庆市研究生马克思主义论坛等;重庆模式的相关文献由172位作者贡献,包括汤晓俐、张卫星、苏伟等。



论文:170 占比:0.27%


论文:1 占比:0.00%


论文:61716 占比:99.72%





  • 汤晓俐
  • 张卫星
  • 苏伟
  • 冯春
  • 孙佳
  • 於常勇
  • 朱玉芹
  • 李宏芸
  • 李毓倩
  • 李韵琳
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 赵家玲
    • 摘要: 现代政府投融资主要向基础产业和公用事业方向发展,是私人部门不愿意涉足的.中国政府投融资建设起步比较晚,目前形成了多种模式,如"上海模式"、"重庆模式"和"天津模式",或BOT、PPP等模式,各有特点.相比之下,国外政府投融资模式起步早,经验较丰富.为此,主要简单介绍分析当前国内外的政府投融资模式.
    • 毛峰
    • 摘要: In recent years, China attaches great importance to rural poverty alleviation and development, and pro-poses to make full use of rural resources to develop characteristic industries and the rural economy. The meeting of the Central Poverty Alleviation and Development Work put forward that the plan of poverty alleviation should be succeed and ensure all rural poverty and poverty population together into a well-off society in 2020 . In our coun-try, the poor rural areas have rich tourism resources and abundant manpower, more than half of the national rural poverty has the condition to develop rural tourism, and tourism poverty alleviation is the scientific path of poverty alleviation. According to the requirements"Special poverty alleviation, industry poverty alleviation, and social pov-erty alleviation trinity pattern of poverty alleviation" proposed by the Party Central Committee, on the basis of the shaping poverty alleviation pattern in different regions, this paper summarized the outstanding advantages and char-acteristics of tourism poverty alleviation which included wide poverty population joined, fast poverty alleviation effect, low rate of return poverty reverse, and not inter-generational transmission of poverty phenomena. At the same time, it expounded that the tourism poverty alleviation was the best route and main strength for industrializa-tion poverty alleviation in the poor area, and put forward that the rural tourism poverty alleviation needed to strengthen the strategic guidance, innovate mechanism system, give full play to the enterprises as main body, de-velop the rural tourism industry vigorously and mix primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry to-gether in rural area, and help the poor people alleviate poverty and become prosperous . The article also analyzed the rural tourism alleviation model of "tourism + area development, tourism + N ( agriculture, stylistic, com-merce, etc. )" in Chongqing, and consider the experiences such as the policy of government dominance, policy leading, adjust measures to local conditions, diversified development, integrate resources, three-dimensional pov-erty alleviation, innovation mechanism, diverse driving mode was worth learning. It concluded that the pattern of poverty alleviation should turn into hematopoietic mode, transform the single funds poverty alleviation into system poverty alleviation and industrialization poverty alleviation, and focus on the talent, market, technology and knowl-edge assistance.%我国贫困乡村旅游资源丰富、人力充沛,全国一半以上贫困乡村都具备发展乡村旅游的条件,旅游扶贫是行之有效的科学路径。文章总结了旅游扶贫具有贫困人口参与面广、扶贫效果快、返贫率低、防止贫困现象代际传递的突出优势和特点,并根据党中央“三位一体”扶贫格局,在梳理各地扶贫经验和模式的基础上,阐述了旅游扶贫是贫困乡村产业化扶贫的最佳路径和中坚力量,提出了乡村旅游扶贫要强化战略引导,创新机制体制,充分发挥企业主体作用,大力发展乡村旅游产业,带动促进乡村一、二、三产业融合发展。该文还重点分析了重庆市乡村旅游扶贫的“旅游+片区开发、旅游+N(农业、文体、商贸等)”模式,认为重庆市实施政府主导、政策引领,因地制宜、多元发展,整合资源、立体扶贫,创新机制、多样带动的乡村旅游扶贫成功经验值得推广、学习和借鉴。
    • 丁爱波
    • 摘要: 9月4日,G20峰会即将在杭州拉开序幕。这个齐聚全球20位最有权势领袖的巅峰会议,正在将杭州推向世界的舆论中心。在此之前,G20峰会的举办地多为伦敦、多伦多、华盛顿、圣彼得堡这样的国际化城市,此次G20首次来到中国,没有选择北京、上海这样的一线城市,而是选择了杭州这样的1.5线城市。中国的城市地理中,北上广深的地位,或多或少是一个政策助力的结果。北京不用说,权力中心自然吸聚更多资源。上海的腾飞得利于浦东的政策红利,深圳的特区光环至今仍不褪色,即便是广州,也有广交会加持。
    • 管清友
    • 摘要: 2015年中国经济GDP增速从2014年的7.3%下滑至6.9%,而重庆市GDP增速不降反升达到11%,连续14年维持两位数增长,继续领跑全国。“重庆模式”成为各方关注和探讨的经济发展模式。
    • 肖瑶
    • 摘要: 经济学领域普遍推崇西方宪政体制改革,忽视制度构建是非正式制度长期演化的结果,制度转轨涉及多个参与人利益的博弈.通过西方宪政体制内涵,比较中西方制度成长环境和制度转轨面临的难题,本文对"重庆模式"进行分析,阐述其制度转轨的利弊,认为要制度转轨顺利进行需要迎合参与者共同知识,但靠行政集权会导致国家机会主义,应领悟而非照搬西方宪政体制内涵,制度转轨重点放在法治和经济激励设计上.
    • 王波
    • 摘要: 宁波要进入全国大城市第一方队,必须以先进城市作为自己的标杆。今年上半年经济增速最高的是重庆,达11%,其次是杭州,增速为10.3%。重庆、杭州是如何取得这一成绩的呢?重庆、杭州两种模式的比较从2015年上半年经济来看,重庆、杭州在23个城市中增速位居前2名,其实代表了2种模式。重庆模式重庆经济表现强势的主要原因是抓住向西部开放战略的机会,以高端产品加速出口,
    • 周艳
    • 摘要: 重庆诞生“笔电”产业之日起,便走上了一条围绕打造完整产业链垂直整合的新路子。“全球每生产3台笔记本电脑,重庆就占了1台。”在重庆市“笔电”企业座谈会上,重庆市市长黄奇帆如此表示。重庆“笔电”产业从无到有,由弱到强,至今,已形成“品牌+代工+配套”的垂直整合产业体系。2014年重庆市出货6500万台电脑、9500万台手机、1600万台打印机、1500万台显示器、1000万台机顶盒,云端设备超过2亿台。据公开数据显示,
    • 杨雪英; 周桂芹
    • 摘要: Since the implementation of university student village official policy, we have achieved remarkable success, but also face many problems. How to excavate potential capability of university student village official, arouse the initiative and enthusiasm of college students village officials work in the rural is an urgent issue needed to study and solve. At present, the college student village official is lack of incentive strength, therefore, we urgently need to establish incentive mechanism of the system in remuneration treatment, humanistic care, promotion, performance appraisal, and export aspects.%大学生村官政策实施以来,虽取得了较大成效,但也面临许多问题。如何挖掘大学生村官潜力、调动大学生村官在农村工作的主动性和积极性是一个迫切需要研究、解决的课题。目前,对大学生村官缺乏激励力度,因此,迫切需要在报酬待遇、人文关怀、晋升机会、绩效考核,畅通出口等方面建立系统的激励机制。
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