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正视眼的相关文献在1977年到2022年内共计107篇,主要集中在眼科学、预防医学、卫生学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文96篇、专利文献19762篇;相关期刊60种,包括祝您健康、家庭中医药、中国医学物理学杂志等; 正视眼的相关文献由228位作者贡献,包括塞巴斯蒂恩·弗里克、本杰明·卢梭、梅拉尼·黑斯劳伊斯等。



论文:96 占比:0.48%


论文:19762 占比:99.52%





  • 塞巴斯蒂恩·弗里克
  • 本杰明·卢梭
  • 梅拉尼·黑斯劳伊斯
  • 丛繁滋
  • 徐栩
  • 施明光
  • 乐融融
  • 伊莎贝勒·普兰
  • 古伊尔黑姆·埃斯卡利厄
  • 吕帆
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 郭冰; 郭汝贵
    • 摘要: 视疲劳不是独立的眼科疾病,是眼科与某些全身疾病在眼部的表现,因此称之为“视疲劳综合症”更为确切,在眼科临床上这类病人极为多见,其症状的轻重与人的耐受力、性格、性别、年龄等因素相关。以下是视疲劳致病因素及防治措施。1眼部因素正视眼看远处物体时,眼睛视线平行,处于放松状态,不需要眼内肌(睫状肌)的调节。当正视眼视物时,眼睛处在调节状态,物体离眼睛越近调节幅度越大,双眼视线汇聚(集合),一旦调节与集合失衡,视功能紊乱,就会出现一系列症状,患有屈光不正(近视、远视、散光)者,更易引发调节与集合失衡。如长时间近距离用眼后,出现视物模糊、眼肌紧张、复视、阅读困难、头痛、距离变换时难以对焦等情况称之为调节不足,反之,眼睛难以放松,甚至引发青少年假性近视,则为调节过度。调节与集合不同步,甚至可能导致集合过度或不足,致使眼位异常,进而出现内斜视或外斜视,此时视物重影、串行等。
    • 唐娜
    • 摘要: 光线进入眼睛后会发生屈折,才能准确地聚焦在视网膜黄斑区屮心凹,这是正视眼。如果不能准确聚焦,就是屈光不正,包括了近视、远视和散光。眼睛的屈光状态是随着年龄的增长而变化的。刚出生时,眼的发育还没完成,都是远视,可以高达+4.00-+6.00D,所以婴儿都喜欢凝视远方,因为他们都是“老花眼”,看不清近处的物体,父母常常在房顶上挂个气球,帮助形成视觉,眼睛是需要使用才会发育完善的,这就是“用进废退”;以后远视度数逐渐减少,到7岁时达到正视,也就是屈光度为0。
    • 刘静; 滕月红; 肖蕾
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨芪明颗粒治疗高度近视合并糖尿病视网膜病变的临床疗效。方法:收集高度近视或正视眼合并2型糖尿病视网膜病变患者共102例,治疗组46例,为芪明颗粒治疗高度近视合并2型糖尿病视网膜病变组,对照组56例,为芪明颗粒治疗正视眼合并2型糖尿病视网膜病变组,治疗周期为3个月。观察和比较两组患者治疗后视力、中医证候评分及疗效。结果:两组患者治疗后中医证候均改善,治疗组改善程度优于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗组在治疗1个月、2个月、3个月及停药半个月后有效率分别是33.2%、54.3%、78.2%、73.9%,均高于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后两组患者双眼视力均提高,且治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:芪明颗粒对高度近视或正视眼合并糖尿病视网膜病变均有一定的临床疗效。
    • 信伟; 沈品呈; 郑晨琛; 刘昱; 徐丹
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨正视眼与近视眼阅读简体字与繁体字的调节微波动差异.方法 前瞻性队列研究.招募平均年龄(23.9±1.8)岁受试者36名,其中近视眼18名,等效球镜度数(-3.74±1.22)D,正视眼18名,等效球镜度数(-0.14±0.22)D.于40 cm外阅读液晶屏幕呈现的两种大小(8、12磅)、两种字体(简体字与繁体字)组成的4组视标共135 s,应用近红外开放视野自动验光仪连续测量受试者阅读视标时的调节反应并计算调节微波动.对调节微波动量的变化进行配对t检验.结果 近视组受试者阅读繁体字和简体字的调节微波动量分别为(0.35±0.17)和(0.29±0.11)D,差异有统计学意义(t=2.514,P=0.017);正视组受试者阅读繁体字和简体字调节微波动量分别为(0.24±0.11)和(0.24±0.12),差异无统计学意义(t=0.04,P=0.996).近视组受试者阅读繁体字的调节微波动量大于正视组,差异有统计学意义(t=3.140,P=0.02),近视组与正视组阅读简体字的调节微波动量差异无统计学意义(t=1.866,P=0.066).结论 在阅读过程中,近视眼在调节微波动方面较正视眼更容易受到高空间频率字体的影响.%Objective This study investigates the effect of simplified and traditional Chinese character on accommodative microfluctuation in young adult myopes and emmetropes.Methods Prospective cohort study.Based on refractive errors,Young adult candidates (18-28 years) were classified into two groups based on their spherical equivalent degrees:emmetropes (n=18),myopes (n=18).Four different reading targets (12pt size simplified and traditional Chinese characters,and 8pt size simplified and traditional Chinese characters) were displayed on computer screen collectively for 135s.The accommodative microfluctuation of the candidates were measured using the free space Grand-Seiko WAM-5500 autorefractor.Results The results indicated that the type of character (simplified and traditional) had significant influence on accommodative microfluctuation.For myopic candidates,the accommodative microfluctuation for traditional Chinese character was greater than that for simplified Chinese character [traditional Chinese character:(0.35±0.17) D,vs.simplified Chinese character:(0.29±0.11) D,t=2.556,P=0.017],however as for emmetropic candidates,the difference between the accommodative microflucuation for the two types of characters was of no statistical significance [traditional Chinese character:(0.24±0.11) D,vs.simplified Chinese character:(0.24±0.12) D,t=0.004,P=0.996].There was a difference between emmetropic and myopic candidates in terms of accommodative microfluctuation for traditional Chinese character,myopes had greater accommodative microfluctuation than emmetropes (t=3.140,P=0.02).However the difference between emmetropic and myopic candidates in terms of accommodative microfluctuation for simplified Chinese character was of no statistical significance (t=1.866,P=0.066).Conclusions The results of the study indicated that myopes were more susceptible than emmetropic in accommodative microfluctuation when reading traditional Chinese character of high spatial frequency.
    • 孙广莉; 苏刚; 陈霞; 时倩倩
    • 摘要: Objective To observe the fundus lesions in the unilateral rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) eyes and contralateral eyes in non-traumatic emmetropia patients,and explore the risks of lateral eyes.Methods This is a retrospective case analysis.A total of 426 patients of unilateral RRD diagnosed by clinical examination were enrolled in this study.There were 273 males and 74 females.The average age of onset was 54.7 years.81.46% of them (347 patients) were 51-70 years old.The average detachment time was 2.12 months.They were divided into two groups,equal or lesser than 50 years old group and more than 50 years old group.A total of 100 patients (200 eyes) with ocular surface disorders were randomly selected as control.The lattice-like degeneration,cystic degeneration and dry retinal holes were treated with prophylactic laser photocoagulation.Follow-up period was 6 to 24 months.The age,gender,proliferative vitreous retinopathy (PVR) grading,best corrected visual acuity (BCVA),distribution and quantity of retinal holes,and posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) were retrospectively analyzed.The incidence of PVD among different age groups was compared with Chi square.Results Among 426 RRD eyes,there were 239 eyes (56.10%) with PVD.Among them,there were 30 eyes with age equal or lesser than 50 years old (12.55%) and 209 eyes with age more than 50 years old (84.75%).There were 187 eyes (43.90%) without PVD,which including 38 eyes with age equal or lesser than 50 years old (20.32%) and 149 eyes with age more than 50 years old (79.68%).The incidence of PVD among different age groups was statistically significant (x2=4.72,P< 0.05).There were 10,254,40 and 5 eyes in class A,B,C and D of PVR,respectively;117 eyes without PVR.The retinal hole was located in superior temporal,inferior temporal,superior nasal,inferior nasal and macular in 305,91,22,4 and 4 eyes,respectively.The number of holes was 1,2,and more than 3 in 297,89 and 40 eyes,respectively.The retinal detachment range of 1,2,3 quadrants and total dissociation were 92,230,71,33 eyes,respectively.The fundus lesion was found in 47 eyes (11.03%) in the lateral eyes.There were 20 RRD eyes in class B of PVR,and 27 RRD eyes in class C of PVR.Retinal degenerated area was found.Among them,the degeneration of 41 eyes was located in the temporal retina,45 eyes involved in a quadrant.There were 16 eyes with peripheral retinal dry holes;the holes diameter was less than 1,1-2,greater than 2 optic-discs in 6,11 and 5 retinal holes.At the end of the follow-up,there were 47 eyes with almost normal visual field,16 eyes with decreased visual acuity,noeyes with retinal detachment.In the control group,4 patients (5 eyes,2.50%) had fundus lesions.Conclusion The unilateral RRD in non-traumatic emmetropia mostly occurs in elderly patients;11.03% of patients had fundus lesions in the contralateral eyes,higher than the general population.%目的 观察非外伤性正视眼单侧孔源性视网膜脱离(RRD)及对侧眼眼底改变,初步探讨正视眼RRD患者对侧眼的发病风险.方法 回顾性病例分析.临床检查确诊的非外伤性正视眼单侧RRD患者426例纳入研究.其中,男性273例,女性74例;男∶女≈3.69∶1.患眼、对侧眼各为426只眼.平均发病年龄54.7岁.其中,51~70岁者347例,占81.46%.平均脱离时间2.12个月.将年龄分为≤50、>50岁.随机选择正视眼眼表疾病100例200只眼作为对照.对侧眼眼底出现格子样变性、囊样变性、干性裂孔给予预防性激光光凝治疗.随访时间6~24个月.回顾分析患者年龄、性别、增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(PVR)分级、最佳矫正视力(BCVA)、裂孔分布及数量、有无玻璃体后脱离(PVD)等.不同年龄者之间PVD发生率比较行x2检验.结果 426只RRD眼中,有PVD者239只眼(56.10%),其中年龄≤50、>50岁者分别为30(12.55%)、209 (87.4%)只眼;无PVD者187只眼(43.90%),其中年龄≤50、>50岁者分别为38 (20.32%)、149 (79.68)只眼.不同年龄者之间PVD发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(x2=4.72,P<0.05).PVRA、B、C、D级分别为10、254、40、5只眼;无PVR 117只眼.视网膜裂孔位于颞上、颞下、鼻上、鼻下象限和黄斑区分别为305、91、22、4、4只眼;裂孔数量1、2、≥3个分别为297、89、40只眼.视网膜脱离范围1、2、3个象限和全脱离分别为92、230、71、33只眼.426只对侧眼中,发现眼底病变47只眼(11.03%).对应RRD眼PVR B、C级分别为20、27只眼.眼底视网膜均有变性区,其中变性区位于颞侧41只眼;累及1个象限有45只眼.伴有周边干性裂孔16只眼;裂孔≤1、1~2、≥2 DD分别为6、11、5个.末次随访时,47只眼视野检查均无明显异常,不同程度视觉敏感度下降16只眼;未出现视网膜脱离或明显视力下降.对照者100例200只眼中,发现眼底病变4例5只眼,占2.50%.结论 非外伤性正视眼单侧RRD多为老年患者;11.03%的对侧眼存在眼底病变,高于一般人群.
    • 摘要: 什么是近视近视是指眼在调节松弛状态下,平行光线经眼的屈光系统的折射后,焦点落在视网膜之前。近视是中小学生视力低下的主体,约占98%;而学生近视眼中,绝大部分是单纯性近视眼,约占97.8%,病理性近视眼仅占2.2%。而单纯性近视眼的形成,主要影响因素还是不良的视觉环境及行为。
    • 张寒峭; 乔荣华; 张雅娣; 顾枭鹏
    • 摘要: 目的 观察低、中、高度近视患者的黄斑区脉络膜厚度,分析脉络膜厚度与屈光度和眼轴长度的关系.方法 115例志愿者的115眼纳入本研究,其中正视眼和低、中、高度近视分别为24、24、40、27眼,应用相干光断层扫描仪的深度增强成像模式获得受检者的黄斑部图像,测量黄斑中心凹下以及距离中心凹500、1000、2000、2750um的上方、下方、鼻侧、颞侧共17个位点的脉络膜厚度.比较近视各组与正视眼组之间的脉络膜厚度是否存在差异;评价近视眼的脉络膜厚度与屈光度和眼轴的关系.结果 低度近视的脉络膜厚度与正视眼相比,差异无统计学意义,而高中度近视组皆表现出有差异的位点,分别为17和14处,近视组的厚度值低于正视组,P0.05,all 17 locations) whereas it was statistically significant for moderate(14 locations)and high(all 17 locations)groups (P<0.01).The CT was thinner in the myopia groups. A negative correlation was found between CT and refractive power(r:-0.272~-0.485,P<0.01) and axial length(r:-0.22~-0.608,P<0.05). Regression equations betweensubfoveal choroidal thickness and refractive power and axial length were showed as the following respectively: Y=265.924-9.314X,Y=904.872-26.792X.Conclusions Choroidal thickness of macular in moderate and high myopias are thinner than that in emmetropias. CT decreased with greater dioptic power and axial length.
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