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SL的相关文献在1981年到2022年内共计457篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文87篇、专利文献370篇;相关期刊76种,包括中国金融电脑、图书与情报、作文成功之路(中旬)等; SL的相关文献由912位作者贡献,包括亢红军、刘宗佩、安学辉等。



论文:87 占比:19.04%


论文:370 占比:80.96%





  • 亢红军
  • 刘宗佩
  • 安学辉
  • 徐兴昌
  • 朱锡文
  • 陆忠华
  • 彭丰
  • 桂鹏
  • 史玉升
  • 闫春泽
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张昀霓; 唐微; 陈清
    • 摘要: 英语联觉音组sl-所构词以身体体验为基础生成语词概念,其词群不仅内隐了三个概念结构“细长—弱小”“松散—懒散”和“滑溜—狡滑”,而且栖息着“弱小不好”“懒散不好”和“狡猾不好”的文化价值规范.
    • 黄龄
    • 摘要: A good representation of the interaction between the planetary boundary layer(PBL)and the surface layer(SL)in numerical models is of great importance for the prediction of the initiation and development of convection.This study examined an ensemble that consists of the available suites of PBL and SL parameterizations based on a torrential rainfall event over south China.The sensitivity of the simulations was investigated against objective measurements using multiple PBL and SL parameterization schemes.The main causes of the bias from different parameterization schemes were further analysed by comparing the good and bad ensemble members.The results showed that good members tended to underestimate the rainfall amount but presented a decent evolution of mesoscale convective systems that were responsible for the torrential rainfall.Using the total energy mass flux(TEMF)scheme,the bad members overestimated the amount and spatial coverage of rainfall.The failure of the bad member was due to a spurious convection initiation(CI)resulting from the overestimated high-θe elevated air.The spurious CI developed and expanded rapidly,causing intensive and extensive rainfall over south China.Consistent with previous studies,the TEMF scheme tends to produce a warmer and moister PBL environment.The detailed sensitivity analysis of this case may provide reference for the operational forecast of rainfall over south China using multiple PBL and SL parameterizations.
    • 杜启弘1; 易明(图)1
    • 摘要: 日系巡航车领域车型众多,四大家的V缸主力车型早已打入国际摩市,成为哈雷车最强大的竞争对手。我们本期所介绍的日系巡航车与V缸无缘,但它所散发的魅力却丝毫不输于搭载传统动力系统的常规巡航车,它的独特韵味更是一般巡航车难以企及的……
    • 摘要: 诸葛菜是十字花科诸葛菜属一年或二年生草本植物,高可达50 cm,无毛;茎直立,基生叶及下部茎生叶大头羽状全裂,顶裂片近圆形或短卵形,侧裂片卵形或三角状卵形,叶柄疏生细柔毛;花紫色、浅红色或褪成白色,花萼筒状,紫色,花瓣宽倒卵形,密生细脉纹,长角果线形,种子卵形至长圆形,黑棕色,4~5月开花,5~6月结果。
    • Vitali A. Tatartchenko
    • 摘要: The paper presents a physical model of a natural phenomenon, the glow of bubbles at hydrothermal vents formed during underwater volcanic activity. The basis of the model is characteristic non-equilibrium radiation under first order phase transitions that since 2010 has been referred to as the PeTa (Perelman-Tatartchenko) effect. This is the fourth paper in a series developing the model for similar physical phenomena: cavitational luminescence (CL), multi-bubble sonoluminescence (MBSL), single-bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL) and laser-induced bubble luminescence (LIBL). The previous three papers were published during 2017-2018 in this Journal. In the third one we have shown that above mentioned physical effects can be generalized as a phenomenon that we have titled “Vapour bubble luminescence” (VBL). VBL is very clearly represented in a non-equilibrium phase diagram. The essence of VBL is as follows: when there is a local decrease in pressure and/or an increase of temperature in a tiny volume of a liquid occurs, one or several bubbles filled with vapour will appear. Subsequently a very rapid pressure increase and/or temperature decrease in the same volume of liquid leads to supersaturation of the vapour inside the bubble. Upon reaching critical vapor density, instantaneous vapour condensation and emission of the phase transition energy that is accompanied by a flash (this is the PeTa effect) results in a sharp pressure decrease and the bubble collapses due to the pressure drop. This process is accompanied by a shock wave in the liquid. A similar effect occurs if bubbles filled with hot steam, for example from a cappuccino machine, are injected into a relatively large volume of cold water. The VBL model explains all experimental data concerning CL/MBSL/SBSL/LIBL and the relatively new natural phenomenon, the glow of bubbles at hydrothermal vents. Several model experiments demonstrate the PeTa effect under similar conditions. Additionally, we define the PeTa effect in all its manifestations on a non-equilibrium phase diagram. This clarifies which niches can contain VBL processes. We also demonstrate the window of transparency (WT) for the PeTa radiation during crystallization of a supercooled tellurium melt and propose the design of a cavity-free pulsed laser on the basis of similar crystallization processes.
    • 周晓勇; 申滨; 徐浪; 黄晓舸
    • 摘要: 在LTE-V2X (long term evolution-vehicle to everything)系统中,存在部分车载用户无法获取基站的同步参考信号(synchronization reference signal,SRS),从而无法与网络进行通信的问题.为解决这一问题,提出一种副链接(sidelink,SL)空口同步方案.车载用户根据SRS优先级划分机制选择最优的SRS,同时可获取该SRS的优先级以及确定自身发送SRS的优先级;并设计SRS时移传输机制使得不同优先级SRS在不同时帧上传输来区分优先级,与此同时还可有效抑制同频干扰.仿真结果显示,该方案在同步源优先级为4个等级时,同步定时误差均满足车载用户的同步需求.本文所提方案不仅扩大了空口同步范围,还可以有效抑制车载用户之间的同频干扰,可作为LTE-V2X系统实现有效可行的空口同步方案之一.
    • 马乐萍
    • 摘要: SL(无影灯)即为现阶段应用较为广泛的外科手术用灯光,能够最大限度避免手术过程由于影子与色彩偏差对手术的影响。通过长时间的应用,发现美迪兰无影灯故障大多数都集中于控制电路,对控制电路予以板级研究,能够从根本深化SL故障诊断及维修。文章将以美迪兰无影灯控制电路原理与故障诊断研究作为切入点,在此基础上予以深入的探究,相关内容如下所述。
    • Vitali A. Tatartchenko
    • 摘要: This paper is the third in a series published in this journal during 2017-2018. These three papers present various stages in the development of the PeTa model for phenomena of the same physical nature: cavitational luminescence (CL), multi-bubble sonoluminescence (MBSL), single-bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL), and laser-induced bubble luminescence (LIBL). The basis of this model is the PeTa (Perel’man-Tatartchenko) effect—a nonequilibrium characteristic radiation under first-order phase transitions, for instance, vapour condensation. The third iteration of this model “Vapour bubble luminescence” (VBL) is presented in this paper. The essence of this model is as follows: with a local decrease of pressure or an increase of temperature in a tiny volume of the liquid, one or several bubbles filled with vapour will appear. Subsequently, a very rapid increase in pressure or a decrease in temperature of the bubble leads to super-saturation of the vapour inside the bubble, followed by its instantaneous condensation with the emission of condensation energy (this is the PeTa effect). A sharp decrease in pressure causes the collapse of the bubble accompanied by a shock wave in the liquid. VBL model is conveniently represented on the solid-liquid-vapour phase diagram. A better understanding of the physical nature of the phenomena under consideration could help to find their useful applications. To develop this idea further, we propose a design of a cavity-free pulsed laser on the basis of CL/MBSL/SBSL. An analysis of LIBL in cryogenic liquids is also given in this paper.
    • 陈清; 刘中文
    • 摘要: 英语联觉音组sl-所构词的词义具有明显的语义链,它的发展遵循从具体到抽象的规律.隐喻视角下的sl-所构词语义链生成理据及逻辑关系的研究,从更微观层面了解语言的起源和发展,不仅能丰富隐喻认知理论的研究范畴,也大大增强了语言学习者对词汇的感性认知和理性认知.
    • 赵渊
    • 摘要: 为了研究新型变速器壳体快速铸造中SL模型代替金属、木模具的问题,数据处理过程对造型工艺的影响,对于精度的不同需求可以采用的多种措施,模型制作的优化与新型变速器壳体开发的结合,进行了新品开发的快速铸造研究.通过研究可以表明:这种方法模型稳定、制作周期短、尺寸精度很明显比木模高,保证铸件质量的主要是浇铸系统;20年内形状较复杂的壳体新品的快速铸造适合非强化光敏树脂模型;SL模型的铸件成本比SLS法提供的蜡型成本低,模具寿命的关键在于造型过程SL模型的增强[1].
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