首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Pulmonology >Influence of sighs in the raised volume rapid thoracic compression technique (RVRTC) in infants.

Influence of sighs in the raised volume rapid thoracic compression technique (RVRTC) in infants.


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The raised volume rapid thoracic compression (RVRTC) technique has shown to be very promising in the evaluation of infant's lung function. In this technique lungs are inflated several times to a preset pressure prior to the thoracic compression. Many infants made a spontaneous inspiration (sigh) at the end of these inflations. Our hypothesis was that such sighs could change the major variables derived by this technique and the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of these sighs during lung inflation in the RVRTC technique in infants. Pairs of maneuvers with and without sighs during lung inflation were obtained in 33 of 48 consecutive tests. Curves with sighs showed significantly higher values of FVC (median: 456 x 437 ml; P < 0.001) and FEV0.5 compared to those without, whereas FEF75 and FEF85 were significantly lower (median: 417 x 439 ml/sec, P = 0.008 and 251 x 273 ml/sec, P = 0.01; respectively). The mean percent change between maneuvers for FVC, FEV0.5, FEF75, and FEF85 was respectively: 6.4%, 3.8%, -3.1%, and -3.5%. These differences represent a mean change of 0.38 z score for FVC and of 0.12 z score for FEF75 and FEF85. In conclusion, the presence of sighs during lung inflation significantly changes RVRTC values in infants. We suggest that the presence or the absence of sighs should be registered for each maneuver and that it should be considered for within and between subject comparisons.
机译:增大体积的快速胸腔压缩技术(RVRTC)在评估婴儿的肺功能方面显示出非常有希望的前景。在这种技术中,在胸腔压缩之前,肺部会膨胀几次至预设压力。在这些通货膨胀结束时,许多婴儿自发产生了灵感。我们的假设是,这种叹气可以改变该技术得出的主要变量,本研究的目的是评估RVRTC技术对婴儿肺膨胀期间这些叹气的影响。在48项连续测试中,有33项在肺充气过程中有或没有叹气的动作。带有叹气的曲线显示FVC(中值:456 x 437 ml; P <0.001)和FEV0.5的值显着高于无FVC(FEV75和FEF85)(中值:417 x 439 ml / sec,P = 0.008)和251 x 273 ml / sec,分别为P = 0.01)。 FVC,FEV0.5,FEF75和FEF85的操作之间的平均百分比变化分别为:6.4%,3.8%,-3.1%和-3.5%。这些差异表示FVC的平均变化为0.38 z分数,FEF75和FEF85的平均变化为0.12 z分数。总之,在肺部充胀期间叹气的存在会显着改变婴儿的RVRTC值。我们建议每次操作都要记录是否存在叹气,并且应该在对象比较之内和之间进行考虑。



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