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Generative modeling of convolutional neural networks


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The convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) have proven to be a powerful tool for discriminative learning. Recently researchers have also started to show interest in the generative aspects of ConvNets in order to gain a deeper understanding of what ConvNets have learned and how to further improve them. This paper investigates generative modeling of ConvNets. The main contributions include: (1) We construct a generative model for the ConvNet in the form of exponential tilting of a reference distribution. (2) We propose a generative gradient for pre-training ConvNets by a non-parametric importance sampling scheme. It is fundamentally different from the commonly used discriminative gradient, and yet shares the same computational architecture and cost as the latter. (3) We propose a generative visualization method for the ConvNets by sampling from an explicit parametric image distribution. The proposed visualization method can directly draw synthetic samples for any given node in a trained ConvNet by the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm, without resorting to any extra hold-out images. Experiments on the challenging ImageNet benchmark show that the proposed generative gradient pre-training helps improve the performances of ConvNets in both supervised and semi-supervised settings, and the proposed generative visualization method generates meaningful and varied samples of synthetic images from a large and deep ConvNet.
机译:卷积神经网络(ConvNets)已被证明是判别学习的强大工具。最近,研究人员也开始对ConvNets的生成方面表现出兴趣,以便更深入地了解ConvNets所学到的知识以及如何进一步改进它们。本文研究了卷积网络的生成建模。主要贡献包括:(1)我们以参考分布的指数倾斜形式为ConvNet构建了一个生成模型。 (2)我们提出了一种通过非参数重要性抽样方案对ConvNets进行预训练的生成梯度。它与常用的判别梯度有根本区别,但与后者具有相同的计算架构和成本。 (3)通过从显式参数图像分布中采样,我们为卷积网络提出了一种生成可视化方法。所提出的可视化方法可以通过汉密尔顿蒙特卡罗算法直接为训练过的ConvNet中的任何给定节点绘制合成样本,而无需求助于任何额外的保留图像。在具有挑战性的ImageNet基准测试中,实验表明,所提出的生成梯度预训练有助于改善在有监督和半监督条件下的ConvNets的性能,并且所提出的生成可视化方法可以从大型且深层的ConvNet生成有意义且变化多样的合成图像样本。



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