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Conservation tillage models for small-scale farming: Linking the Canadian experience to the small farms of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China


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Promoting soil conservation in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR) is motivated by the needs to ensure that the soil resource base will meet the nutritional requirements of future generations and to reduce the health risks and hazards to people and livestock from dust storms. Using observations from a recent China-Canada project, the objective was to describe how conservation tillage production systems for the small dry land farms of IMAR can be developed using the knowledge and experience that was gained from the Canadian prairies and provide evidence for the potential of conservation tillage on the small farms of IMAR. The current constraints in IMAR include (1) the need for tillage for weed control, (2) the removal of crop residues for domestic fuel and for livestock fodder and bedding leaves too few residues on the land for erosion control and maintenance of soil quality, (3) the lack of appropriate mechanization for seeding and harvesting, (4) uncontrolled grazing of crop stubble, (5) the lack of forages in the cropping systems to supply feed and improve soil quality, (6) insufficient technology transfer on conservation tillage and (7) the economic challenges of the small farming units and alternative sources of energy. On the Canadian prairies, conservation tillage technology was transferred to farmers stressing the need for appropriate crop residue management. Similarly, in IMAR, management of crop residues at harvest and post-harvest grazing will have to be controlled to leave sufficient residues on the ground to control erosion. Results from some on-farm field trials shows that conservation tillage is feasible. It is concluded that it is possible to have appropriate conservation tillage practices for the small farms of IMAR without large requirements for capital and the need to incur a lot of risk when changing to conservation tillage. The success and the adoption of conservation tillage will be directly related to the efforts in developing appropriate education and training programs with the focus directed not only at the farmers but to custom machinery operators and crop input suppliers.
机译:促进内蒙古自治区(IMAR)的水土保持活动的需要是确保土壤资源基础能够满足子孙后代的营养需求,并减少沙尘暴对人类和牲畜的健康风险和危害。利用最近的中国-加拿大项目的观察结果,目的是描述如何利用从加拿大大草原获得的知识和经验来开发内蒙古自治区小型旱地农场的保护性耕作生产系统,并提供证据证明内蒙古自治区小农场的保护性耕作。内蒙古自治区目前的制约因素包括:(1)需要进行耕作以控制杂草;(2)清除农作物残余物以用作生活燃料以及牲畜饲料和垫料,土地上的残余物很少,无法控制侵蚀和维持土壤质量, (3)缺乏适合播种和收获的机械化;(4)作物残茬的无节制放牧;(5)种植系统中缺乏饲料来提供饲料和改善土壤质量的草料;(6)保护性耕作中的技术转让不足(7)小型农业单位和替代能源的经济挑战。在加拿大大草原上,保护性耕作技术已转让给农民,强调需要适当管理作物残渣。同样,在内蒙古,必须控制收获时和收获后放牧对农作物残留的管理,以便在地面上留下足够的残留物以控制侵蚀。一些农场田间试验的结果表明,保护性耕作是可行的。结论是,有可能对内蒙古自治区的小农场采取适当的保护性耕作方法,而对资金的要求不高,并且在转换为保护性耕作时无需承担很多风险。保护性耕作的成功与采用将直接与制定适当的教育和培训计划有关,而这些计划不仅要针对农民,而且要针对定制机械操作员和农作物投入物供应商。



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