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Whose social capital matters? The case of U.S. urban public hospital closures and conversions to private ownership


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Prior literature on social capital and health has predominantly focused on health outcomes and individual access to healthcare services. It is not known to what degree, if any, community social capital influences the performance or behaviors of public hospitals, a key source of healthcare for disadvantaged communities in the United States. In this study we developed measures of community bridging social capital - horizontal social networks between heterogeneous groups of similar social position - and linking social capital - vertical networks across the status hierarchy - relevant to public hospitals. We examined associations between social capital, and U.S. urban public hospital closures and conversions to private ownership from 1987 to 2007. We found that higher voting participation was associated with a greater hazard of public hospital closure over time (p < 0.01), whereas the number of business, professional and political organizations per 10,000 residents was associated a greater hazard of conversion (p < 0.05). Additional measures of bridging and linking social capital were not associated with either outcome. Taken together, our findings suggest that, at least historically, horizontal forms of social capital among more privileged groups (e.g., business, professional, and political associations) bear influence on public hospital outcomes. Specific efforts to increase engagement of disadvantaged groups and connect them with decision-makers may be needed to fully realize the potential of linking social capital to influence local healthcare policy promoting social protection.
机译:有关社会资本和健康的现有文献主要集中于健康结果和个人获得医疗服务的机会。目前尚不清楚社区社会资本在多大程度上影响公立医院的绩效或行为,而公立医院是美国弱势社区医疗保健的主要来源。在这项研究中,我们开发了社区桥接社会资本的措施-具有相似社会地位的异类群体之间的水平社会网络-并将社会资本-跨越状态等级的垂直网络联系在一起-与公立医院有关。我们研究了1987年至2007年间社会资本与美国城市公立医院关闭以及向私有制转变之间的关联。我们发现,随着时间的推移,参与投票的人数越多,公立医院关闭的风险就越大(p <0.01),而数字每10,000名居民中的商业,专业和政治组织的转换风险更大(p <0.05)。桥接和联系社会资本的其他措施与这两种结果都不相关。综上所述,我们的研究结果表明,至少从历史上看,特权较高的群体(例如,商业,专业和政治协会)中的社会资本的横向形式对公立医院的业绩产生影响。为了充分认识到将社会资本联系起来以影响地方卫生保健政策以促进社会保护的潜力,可能需要做出特殊的努力来增加弱势群体的参与并使他们与决策者联系起来。



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