首页> 外文期刊>Cellular and molecular biology >Selective and reversible blockage of a fatty acid odour response in the olfactory bulb of the frog (Rana temporaria).

Selective and reversible blockage of a fatty acid odour response in the olfactory bulb of the frog (Rana temporaria).


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The lectin concanavalin A (ConA) when applied to the olfactory mucosa (OM) of frog and rat, is reported to partially inhibit electro-olfactogram (EOG) responses to fatty acid odours. Control odours like isoamyl acetate were not affected. We have now studied in the frog whether this treatment affects the corresponding olfactory bulb (OB) response. The OB surface was impregnated with a voltage-sensitive dye (RH 414). Spatial and temporal patterns of odour response were measured by changes in dye fluorescence that occur when OB neurons fire. The apparatus, consisted of an epi-fluorescent microscope coupled to a 64 x 64 pixel CCD photodetection camera. This allowed imaging over an 0.9 mm2 area of the OB glomerular layer to high resolution. When the frog OM was bathed with 5 mg ml(-1) ConA in Ringer's solution, the n-butyric acid odour response in the OB largely disappeared while the isoamyl acetate response did not change. When this experiment was repeated in the presence of 20 mM methyl alpha-D mannopyranoside (a ConA inhibitor), ConA failed to inhibit the n-butyric acid response. Moreover the ConA effect was partially reversible. A Ringer's wash of the OM after ConA treatment, partially restored the OB response to n-butyric acid. Thus the olfactory bulb results seem compatible with the EOG results and reinforce the notion that ConA selectively prevents n-butyric acid sensitive olfactory receptor neurons from firing. Chemical modification of the OM and their effect on OB response patterns may provide a useful approach to investigate olfactory quality coding.
机译:据报道,凝集素伴刀豆球蛋白A(ConA)应用于青蛙和大鼠的嗅粘膜(OM),可部分抑制电子嗅觉图(EOG)对脂肪酸气味的反应。对照气味如乙酸异戊酯不受影响。现在我们已经在青蛙中研究了这种处理是否会影响相应的嗅球(OB)反应。 OB表面浸渍有压敏染料(RH 414)。通过OB神经元着火时发生的染料荧光变化来测量气味反应的时空分布。该设备由与64 x 64像素CCD光电检测相机相连的落射荧光显微镜组成。这允许在OB肾小球层的0.9 mm2区域上成像至高分辨率。当青蛙OM用林格氏溶液中的5 mg ml(-1)ConA沐浴时,OB中的正丁酸气味响应在很大程度上没有消失,而乙酸异戊酯的响应没有改变。当在20 mM甲基α-D甘露吡喃糖苷(一种ConA抑制剂)存在下重复该实验时,ConA无法抑制正丁酸反应。此外,ConA效应是部分可逆的。 ConA处理后,OM对林格氏液的洗涤可以部分恢复OB对正丁酸的反应。因此,嗅球结果似乎与EOG结果兼容,并强化了ConA选择性阻止正丁酸敏感性嗅觉受体神经元放电的观念。 OM的化学修饰及其对OB响应模式的影响可能为研究嗅觉质量编码提供有用的方法。



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