
Symphyseal separation.


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BACKGROUND: Separation of the pubic symphysis up to 1 cm during pregnancy and delivery occurs frequently. This report presents a woman who experienced a large symphyseal separation. CASE: Following delivery, a 35-year-old primipara complained of hip and groin pain associated with leg movement. An anterior-posterior pelvic X-ray showed a pubic separation of 9.5 cm and a 3-5 mm widening of the sacroiliac joints. She was treated with a pelvic binder, walker, and physical therapy. The diastasis has since undergone progressive reduction. CONCLUSION: Separation of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy and delivery is normal. However, a large separation is a potential complication requiring treatment and follow-up. Conservative management including analgesia, rest, and a pelvic binder is a reasonable method of management.
机译:背景:在怀孕和分娩过程中,耻骨联合分离最高达1 cm。该报告介绍了一名经历了严重的干phy分离的女性。案例:分娩后,一名35岁的初产妇主诉腿部运动引起的臀部和腹股沟疼痛。骨盆前后位X线片显示耻骨分离为9.5 cm,the关节增宽3-5 mm。她接受了骨盆固定器,助行器和物理疗法的治疗。从那以后,这种隔阻已经逐渐减少。结论:妊娠和分娩时耻骨联合分离是正常的。但是,较大的分离是潜在的并发症,需要治疗和随访。包括止痛,休息和骨盆结合器在内的保守治疗是合理的治疗方法。



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