首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Misoprostol compared with laminaria before early second-trimester surgical abortion: a randomized trial.

Misoprostol compared with laminaria before early second-trimester surgical abortion: a randomized trial.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy and acceptability of same-day misoprostol and overnight laminaria for cervical ripening before early second-trimester surgical abortion. METHODS: We performed a randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial comparing 400 microg of vaginal misoprostol, given 3-4 hours preoperatively, with overnight laminaria before early second-trimester surgical abortion among women at 13.0-16.0 weeks of gestation (n = 84). The primary outcome was procedure time, and the sample size was based on 95% power to detect a difference of 4.5 minutes between groups. Secondary outcomes included completion of the procedure on the first attempt, procedural difficulty, and patients' pain scores and preferences. RESULTS: The average gestational duration was 14 weeks 6 days. Procedures performed after laminaria were significantly faster than those after misoprostol (median 3.4 versus 7.2 minutes, respectively, P = .01). Laminaria patients had significantly greater dilation than misoprostol patients at abortion (mean 43 versus 33 French, P < .001), and more misoprostol patients required additional dilation (85% versus 21%, P < .001). Physicians rated 27% of the misoprostol procedures as moderate-markedly difficult versus 5% of laminaria procedures (P = .01). Differences in efficacy were pronounced among nulliparous patients. There were no significant differences in ability to complete the procedure on the first attempt or patients' intraoperative pain scores. More women in the misoprostol group would choose their assigned method again (93% versus 62%, P < .01), and 82% of all subjects preferred a 1-day procedure. CONCLUSION: Early second-trimester abortions take longer and are technically more challenging after cervical ripening with same-day misoprostol than with overnight laminaria, but patients prefer same-day misoprostol.
机译:目的:比较当日米索前列醇和隔夜海带对第二胎妊娠早期流产前宫颈成熟的疗效和可接受性。方法:我们进行了一项随机,双盲,对照试验,对术前3-4小时阴道内的米索前列醇400微克(在妊娠中期13.0-16.0周的妇女在孕中期进行早期流产前)和过夜海带进行了比较(n = 84) )。主要结果是手术时间,样本量基于95%的功效来检测两组之间4.5分钟的差异。次要结果包括首次尝试完成手术,手术难度以及患者的疼痛评分和喜好。结果:平均妊娠时间为14周6天。海带后的手术速度明显快于米索前列醇后的手术速度(中位数分别为3.4分钟和7.2分钟,P = 0.01)。与流失的米索前列醇患者相比,海带患者的米索前列醇的扩张明显更大(平均43 vs 33法国人,P <.001),更多米索前列醇的患者需要额外的扩张(85%比21%,P <.001)。医师将米索前列醇手术的27%评定为中度显着困难,而5%的海带过程(P = 0.01)。在未产妇患者中疗效差异显着。初次尝试或患者术中疼痛评分的完成能力没有显着差异。米索前列醇组中更多的妇女会再次选择分配的方法(93%对62%,P <.01),所有受试者中有82%倾向于1天手术。结论:与同日通宵的海带相比,当日米索前列醇进行宫颈成熟后,中孕早期流产的时间更长,并且在技术上更具挑战性,但是患者更喜欢当日米索前列醇。



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