首页> 外文期刊>Natural product communications >Pyrrolocin A, a 3-Decalinoyltetramic Acid with Selective Biological Activity, Isolated from Amazonian Cultures of the Novel Endophyte Diaporthales sp E6927E

Pyrrolocin A, a 3-Decalinoyltetramic Acid with Selective Biological Activity, Isolated from Amazonian Cultures of the Novel Endophyte Diaporthales sp E6927E

机译:从新的内生细菌Diaporthales sp E6927E的亚马孙文化中分离出来的具有选择性生物活性的3-十氢萘基四酸Pyrrolocin A

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Natural products remain an important source of new therapeutics for emerging drug-resistant pathogens like Candida albicans, which particularly affects immunocompromised patients. A bioactive 3-decalinoyltetramic acid, pyrrolocin A, was isolated from extracts of a novel Amazonian fungal endophyte, E6927E, of the Diaporthales family. The structure of the natural product was solved using NMR and CD spectroscopy and it is structurally related to the fungal setins, equisetin and phomasetin, which are well-characterized tetramic acid antibiotics specific for Gram-positive organisms. We show that the compound inhibits growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis. It shows selective and potent bioactivity against fungal strains, with an MIC of 4 mu g/mL for C. albicans, 100 mu g/mL for Aspergillus sp. and greater than 100 mu g/mL for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Further, the compound is less toxic to mammalian cells (IC50 = 150 mu g/mL), with an inhibitory concentration greater than forty times that for C. albicans. Pyrrolocin A retained potent activity against eight out of seventeen strains of clinical Candida sp. isolates tested.
机译:天然产物仍然是新兴的耐药性病原体(例如白色念珠菌)的新疗法的重要来源,这种病原体尤其会影响免疫功能低下的患者。从Diaporthales家族的新型亚马逊真菌内生菌E6927E的提取物中分离出具有生物活性的3-十氢萘基四甲酸吡咯烷酮A。天然产物的结构使用NMR和CD光谱解析,并且在结构上与真菌凝集素,马匹固定素和苯甲醛酶有关,这是对革兰氏阳性生物体特有的特征化的四酸抗生素。我们表明该化合物抑制金黄色葡萄球菌和粪肠球菌的生长。它显示出对真菌菌株的选择性和有效的生物活性,白色念珠菌的MIC为4μg / mL,曲霉菌的MIC为100μg / mL。酿酒酵母的浓度大于100μg / mL。此外,该化合物对哺乳动物细胞的毒性较小(IC50 = 150μg / mL),抑制浓度大于白色念珠菌的抑制浓度的四十倍。 Pyrrolocin A保留了对17种临床念珠菌中的8种的有效活性。分离株经过测试。



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