首页> 外文期刊>Cancer: A Journal of the American Cancer Society >Researchers are using the increased cancer susceptibility within specific dog breeds to benefit both canines and humans

Researchers are using the increased cancer susceptibility within specific dog breeds to benefit both canines and humans


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Thousonds Of yeors after our human ancestors began domesticating dogs, selective mating has yielded more than 350 breeds as distinctive as Great Danes and Chihuahuas within the past few centuries. The reduced genetic diversity within breeds has greatly increased the risk for a wide range of cancers and other diseases. Golden retrievers, for example, are particularly susceptible to lymphomas and hemangiosarcomas. Bernese mountain dogs, Rottweilers, and flat-coated retrievers are at higher risk for histio-cytic neoplasms; and Scottish terriers frequently develop bladder cancer. Roughly 1 in 4 of the 83 million dogs in the United States, in fact, will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime.



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