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Tackling indigenous issues effectively


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When Don Dunstan ran South Australia in the 1970s the state was rightly regarded as progressive and innovative. "While SA current Premier Mike Rann may not come close to Dunstan (because like all Labor leaders these days he's essentially a capital C conservative), one area where the state is showing its flair is in Native Title. Other governments, industry bodies, landholders and indigenous groups around Australia should study the SA state-wide Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) process because it could be the most visionary and fair Native Title process in Australia today. The ILUA process in SA is a response to the fact that Native Title claims have been lodged over most of the state's land. Most of this land is occupied by farmers, pastoralists, explorers and miners and various other landholders. Then there is Crown land, which is used for national parks, reserves or other purposes. Native Title claims affect how these people can use the land.
机译:当唐·邓斯坦(Don Dunstan)在1970年代经营南澳大利亚州时,该州被正确地视为进步和创新的州。 “虽然SA现任总理迈克·兰恩(Mike Rann)可能无法接近邓斯坦(因为如今所有工党领导人本质上都是保守的首都C),但该州展现出才华的地方还是土著人。其他政府,行业机构,土地所有者澳大利亚各地的土著群体应该研究SA州范围内的土著土地使用协议(ILUA)流程,因为它可能是当今澳大利亚最具远见和公正的土著人权利流程。SA中的ILUA流程是对以下事实的回应:对该州大部分土地提出了索赔要求,其中大部分土地被农民,牧民,探险家和矿工以及其他各种土地所有人占用,然后是用于国家公园,保护区或其他目的的皇冠土地。所有权影响这些人如何使用土地。



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