首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology >Valproate and high dosage of zotepine induced acute delirium: A case report

Valproate and high dosage of zotepine induced acute delirium: A case report


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Zotepine, one of the second generation antipsychotics, is widely used in the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in Asia and Europe. Within the dosage range of 50-450 mg, a significant reduction of positive as well as negative symptoms was noted in patients with schizophrenia. Delirium is characterized by an alteration of consciousness with reduced ability to focus, sustain and shift attention. It is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, persistent functional and cognitive decline, a longer hospital stay, higher rates of nursing home placement and increased healthcare costs. Antipsychotics are used for delirium management. There are several case reports on second generation antipsychotic-induced delirium, but no related report on zotepine-induced delirium. Herein, we present the case of a male patient who developed delirium after a high-dosage prescription of zotepine.
机译:佐特平是第二代抗精神病药之一,在亚洲和欧洲广泛用于治疗精神分裂症和躁郁症。在50-450 mg的剂量范围内,精神分裂症患者的阳性和阴性症状均有明显减轻。 r妄的特点是意识改变,注意力,维持和转移注意力的能力降低。它与发病率和死亡率增加,功能和认知能力持续下降,住院时间延长,疗养院安置率增加以及医疗保健费用增加有关。抗精神病药可用于ir妄治疗。关于第二代抗精神病药引起的del妄有几例报道,但关于佐替平诱发的del妄没有相关报道。在本文中,我们介绍了一名男性患者,该患者在服用Zotepine的高剂量处方后出现del妄。



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