首页> 外文期刊>Glass on Metal >Painting with Fire: Masters of Enameling in America, 1930-1980

Painting with Fire: Masters of Enameling in America, 1930-1980


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In 1950 Kalman Kubinyi, an enormously talented and highly versatile artist, together with his wife, the prominent Cleveland-based enamelist Doris Hall, and their two children, Moisha and Laszlo, left their home in northeastern Ohio for exciting new opportunities on the coast of New England. They left behind a community where they had each grown up, attended school, and matured artistically. In Cleveland, their chosen medium - the art of enameling - was widely produced, regularly shown, and enthusiastically collected. Their move to Massachusetts offered the young couple a unique opportunity to grow creatively and advance their artistic horizons to a new national arena. Kubinyi captured his young familys excitement about a world of expanding personal and creative possibilities when he wrote in his journal, "Our graphic phase was behind us ... ahead was a wonderful world of color fused in glass . . . painting with fire!"
机译:1950年,卡尔曼·库比尼(Kalman Kubinyi)是一位才华横溢且用途广泛的艺术家,他与妻子克利夫兰着名的多丽丝·霍尔(Doris Hall)以及他们的两个孩子莫莎(Moisha)和拉斯洛(Laszlo)一起离开俄亥俄州东北部的家园,在俄亥俄州沿海获得了新的机遇新英格兰。他们留下了一个各自成长,上学并在艺术上成熟的社区。在克利夫兰,他们选择的媒介-搪瓷艺术被广泛生产,定期展示并受到热烈欢迎。他们搬到马萨诸塞州,为这对年轻夫妇提供了一个独特的机会,以创造性地成长并将他们的艺术视野推向新的国家舞台。 Kubinyi在他的日记中写道:“我们的图形创作阶段已经落后于我们……前方是一个美妙的色彩融合在玻璃中……用火绘画的世界!”,库宾尼抓住了他的年轻家庭对一个不断扩大的个人和创造力世界的兴奋。



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