首页> 外文期刊>Electrophoresis: The Official Journal of the International Electrophoresis Society >Analysis of amino acids in individual human erythrocytes by capillary electrophoresis with electroporation for intracellular derivatization and laser-induced fluorescence detection

Analysis of amino acids in individual human erythrocytes by capillary electrophoresis with electroporation for intracellular derivatization and laser-induced fluorescence detection


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A method for monitoring amino acids in single erythrocytes is described. For intracellular derivatization, reagent fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) was introduced into living cells by electroporation. For an 8 mum erythrocyte, the analytes were diluted by a factor of only 1.6. After completion of the derivatization reaction, a single cell was injected into the separation capillary tip and lysed there. The derivatized amino acids were separated by capillary electrophoresis, followed by laser-induced fluorescence detection. Nine amino acids were quantitatively determined, with amounts of amino acids ranging from 3.8-32 amol/single cell. [References: 23]
机译:描述了一种监测单个红细胞中氨基酸的方法。对于细胞内衍生,通过电穿孔将试剂异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)引入活细胞。对于8毫米的红细胞,分析物仅稀释1.6倍。衍生化反应完成后,将单细胞注入分离毛细管尖端并在那里裂解。通过毛细管电泳分离衍生的氨基酸,然后进行激光诱导的荧光检测。定量测定了9个氨基酸,氨基酸含量范围为3.8-32 amol /单细胞。 [参考:23]



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