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Serialisation officially stated as a mandatory requirement


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In early February the European Commission published the Delegated Acts on safety features in the Official Journal of the European Union, supplementing Directive 2001/83/EC (Falsified Medicines Directive). This publication effectively marks the start of a three-year implementation period for all EU member states. The deadline for implementation of the Delegated Acts is February 2019. Not all pharmaceutical manufacturers had followed the Delegated Act closely. However, some did because they have been warned to implement serialisation into their production due to other national demands seen in markets such as Turkey, China or Korea. Soon one can only sell prescription drugs when produced and marked in compliance with Directive 2001/83/EC. The US Government is also expected to announce its demands and regulations for the traceability of medicine in the North America.
机译:2月初,欧洲委员会在《欧盟官方杂志》上发布了有关安全功能的委派法案,以补充2001/83 / EC指令(伪造药品指令)。该出版物实际上标志着所有欧盟成员国开始实施三年的时期。实施《授权法案》的截止日期为2019年2月。并非所有制药商都严格遵守《授权法案》。但是,有些人这样做是因为警告他们,由于土耳其,中国或韩国等市场上出现的其他国家需求,他们已被警告要在其生产中实施序列化。不久之后,只有在按照指令2001/83 / EC进行生产和标记后,方可出售处方药。预计美国政府还将宣布其对北美药品可追溯性的要求和法规。



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