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Diversification of Portulaca oleracea L. complex in the Italian peninsula and adjacent islands ?

机译:意大利半岛及其邻近岛屿的Portulaca oleracea L.复合物的多样化?

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There is an increasing interest in the taxonomy and distribution of the forms of the Portulaca oleracea complex. The information accruing from specimens collected in the Italian peninsula and surrounding islands (Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and Malta) is here described. Eleven morphotypes were recorded: ‘P. cypria’, ‘P. granulatostellulata’, ‘P. nitida’, ‘P. oleracea’, ‘P. papillatostellulata’, ‘P. rausii’, ‘P. sardoa’, ‘P. sativa’, ‘P. sicula’, ‘P. trituberculata’, ‘P. zaffranii’ and a still unclear form Portulaca oleracea f. Three occur in almost all the Italian peninsula and adjacent islands; three are scattered in the Italian peninsula and in the adjacent islands; the remnant have a distribution restricted to the islands such as Sicily and Sardinia. The morphotypes can be divided into two main categories: seeds smooth, without ornamentations; seeds with ornamentations. The morphotypes with ornamentations are more widespread than smooth ones, probably because seed ornamentations play an important role in seed dispersal, which is perhaps mainly anthropochorous given that P. oleracea is a synanthropic species that can tolerate mechanical disturbance. There are cases of multiple occurrence, as evidenced by the presence of different morphotypes in some of the sites. Such populations can count up to five morphotypes growing together. Seven morphotypes were here recorded from Malta; they are all hexaploid, even those which in other areas are tetraploid.
机译:对马齿Port马齿complex复合体的形式的分类和分布的兴趣日益增加。这里描述了从意大利半岛及其周围岛屿(西西里岛,撒丁岛,科西嘉岛和马耳他)收集的标本中获得的信息。记录了11种形态型:‘P。塞浦路斯”,“ P。 granulatostellulata”,“ P。 nitida”,“ P。 oleracea”,“ P。 papillatostellulata”,“ P。 rausii”,“ P。 sardoa”,“ P。苜蓿”,“ P。 sicula”,“ P。 trituberculata”,“ P。 zaffranii’和尚不清楚的形式Portulaca oleracea f。在几乎所有的意大利半岛和附近的岛屿中,都有三处出现;其中三个散布在意大利半岛和附近的岛屿中;残余物的分布仅限于西西里岛和撒丁岛等岛屿。形态型可分为两大类:种子光滑,无装饰;种子装饰。带装饰的形态型比光滑的形态型更广泛,可能是因为种子的装饰在种子的传播中起着重要的作用,考虑到油梨假单胞菌是可以忍受机械干扰的同生物种,这可能主要是人为的。有些地方多次出现,这可以通过某些形态类型的存在来证明。这样的种群最多可以计数到五个一起生长的形态型。马耳他记录了7种形态型。它们都是六倍体,即使在其他区域是四倍体。



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