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Conversion of Kentucky Bluegrass Rough to No-Mow, Low-Input Grasses


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With golf course water, fertilizer, and pesticide restrictions on the rise and labor costs continuing to increase, golf course superintendents are looking for ways to reduce maintained Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) rough. The objective of thisstudy was to (i) compare several methods for converting Kentucky bluegrass rough to no-mow, low-input grasses and (ii) determine the best turfgrass species that provides a playable and aesthetically pleasing turfgrass stand for this type of conversion.Five grass species and five conversion methods were evaluated at two locations in Minnesota. Data collected included visual stand quality, tendency for lodging, inflorescence counts, biomass production, Kentucky bluegrass regrowth, and broadleaf weed invasion. At Maple Grove, the fumigation treatment provided the highest visual stand quality ratings and the sod removal treatment at St. Paul provided the highest visual stand quality. Only sheep fescue (Festuca ovina L.) was able to provide acceptable visual stand quality by Year 2 and only at St. Paul. Chewing’s fescue (F. rubra L. ssp. Commutata Gaudin) and strong creeping red fescue (F. rubra L. ssp. rubra) were best at resisting broadleaf weed invasion at both locations. Hard fescue (F. brevipila Tracey) was best at resisting lodging along with strong creeping red fescue in Year 2 at both locations.
机译:随着高尔夫球场用水,肥料和杀虫剂限制的增加以及人工成本的不断增加,高尔夫球场管理者正在寻找减少保持的肯塔基州蓝草(Poa pratensis L.)粗饲料的方法。本研究的目的是(i)比较几种将肯塔基州蓝草原草转换为低割草,低投入草的方法,以及(ii)确定可以为这种类型的转换提供可玩且美观的草皮草的最佳草皮草种。在明尼苏达州的两个地方评估了五种草种和五种转化方法。收集的数据包括目测林分质量,倒伏趋势,花序数,生物量产生,肯塔基州早熟禾再生和阔叶杂草入侵。在Maple Grove,熏蒸处理提供了最高的目测林分质量等级,而圣保罗的除草皮处理则提供了最高的目测林分质量。到第二年,并且只有在圣保罗,只有绵羊羊茅(Festuca ovina L.)才能提供可接受的目视展台质量。咀嚼的羊茅(F. rubra L. ssp。Commutata Gaudin)和强壮的爬行红色羊茅(F. rubra L. ssp。rubra)在两个地方都最能抵抗阔叶杂草的入侵。硬羊茅(F. brevipila Tracey)在第二年的两个地点都表现出最强的抗倒伏能力,以及较强的爬行红色羊茅。



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