首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geography >Scale invariance of water stress and scarcity indicators: facilitating cross-scale comparisons of water resources vulnerability.

Scale invariance of water stress and scarcity indicators: facilitating cross-scale comparisons of water resources vulnerability.


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Several indicators are commonly used to measure the degree of water resources vulnerability (e.g., water stress and scarcity) in different populations and regions. Little is known, however, about how these indicators respond to changes in the scale of data used to derive them. Two of the most widely used water resources vulnerability metrics, conventionally computed for mean annual values at the country level are Falkenmark Index (FI) for per capita water availability and the Criticality Ratio (CR) for water use to availability. This study computes FI and CR values at a wide range of scales and tests for trends with scale in three river basins: Missouri (North America), Danube (Europe) and Ganges (South Asia) Basins. Gridded sub-continental hydro-climatic data sets at 0.5 degrees resolution are used and aggregated at multiple scales from 0.5 degrees to 5.0 degrees . Analytical logic and empirical evidence show that mean grid-cell values of these vulnerability metrics are in fact scale-independent (scale-invariant) for a given basin. When unscaled variables like water availability and use are ratioed to variables that depend on area, such as population, their dependency on scale may be lost and they become spatially scaled variables. For example, grid-cell mean values of water availability are scale dependent, but grid-cell mean values of the ratio of water availability to population (i.e. FI) are not. This implies that, for a particular river basin, average water resources vulnerability computed by FI and CR at one scale should apply to all scales. This has tremendous implications to applied geographic studies of water resources, and is especially interesting since the unscaled variables used to derive the two indices are scale dependent and vary greatly with scale. The paper and findings highlight the multi-scale complexities of water resources and the geographic nature of water resources and vulnerability metrics.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.07.003
机译:通常使用几种指标来衡量不同人口和地区的水资源脆弱性程度(例如,水资源压力和稀缺性)。但是,对于这些指标如何响应用于导出它们的数据规模的变化知之甚少。传统上用于计算国家/地区年均值的两个最广泛使用的水资源脆弱性度量标准是人均可用水的Falkenmark指数(FI)和临界率 (CR),以达到用水量。这项研究计算了大范围的FI和CR值,并测试了三个流域(密苏里州(北美),多瑙河(欧洲)和恒河(南亚))的规模趋势。使用分辨率为0.5度的网格次大陆性水文气候数据集,并以从0.5度到5.0度的多个比例进行汇总。分析逻辑和经验证据表明,对于给定盆地,这些脆弱性指标的平均网格单元值实际上与比例无关(比例不变)。如果将诸如水的可利用性和用水量之类的非比例变量与取决于面积的变量(例如人口)比例化,则它们对比例的依赖性可能会丢失,它们将成为空间比例变量。例如,可用水的网格单元平均值与比例有关,但可用水与人口之比(即FI)的网格单元平均值不取决于比例。这意味着对于一个特定的流域,FI和CR在一个尺度上计算的平均水资源脆弱性应适用于所有尺度。这对水资源的应用地理学研究具有重大意义,并且特别有趣,因为用于得出两个指数的非标度变量与标度有关,并且随标度变化很大。该论文和研究结果突出了水资源的多尺度复杂性以及水资源的地理特征和脆弱性指标。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.07.003



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