首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Sulpiride alleviates the attentional impairments of rats with medial prefrontal cortex lesions.

Sulpiride alleviates the attentional impairments of rats with medial prefrontal cortex lesions.


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Recent studies have shown that medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) lesions impair performance on a number of rodent tests of attention. Although this evidence clearly suggests a role for the rat mPFC in attentional functions, it is unclear whether subcortical changes associated with mPFC lesions might also be relevant to the neuropsychological deficits observed. Given the ample evidence suggesting increased dopaminergic mechanisms in the basal ganglia following mPFC lesions, we investigated the effects of dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists on the attentional deficits associated with mPFC lesions. Rats trained on a five-choice reaction time task received either complete mPFC lesions or lesions restricted to its ventral subregions, the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices (PRL-IL). Compared with sham-operated rats, animals in both the lesioned groups were impaired at responding correctly to the visual targets, although this deficit was more marked in mPFC-lesioned rats. In addition, both lesions were associated with increased perseverative responding. The accuracy deficits of rats with mPFC lesions were alleviated by systemic administration of the dopamine D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride. In contrast, rats with PRL-IL damage were not affected and control rats were impaired by sulpiride. Administration of either the dopamine D1 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 or of pre-synaptic doses of apomorphine had similar, albeit non-significant effects. Higher doses of any of these drugs non-specifically impaired performance. These results extend previous findings of attentional impairments in rats with mPFC lesions and are compatible with recent hypotheses concerning the role of dopaminergic dysregulation in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.
机译:最近的研究表明,在许多啮齿动物测试中,内侧前额叶皮层(mPFC)病变会损害性能。尽管这一证据清楚地表明了大鼠mPFC在注意功能中的作用,但尚不清楚与mPFC病变相关的皮层下改变是否也可能与观察到的神经心理学缺陷有关。鉴于有充分的证据表明mPFC损伤后基底神经节中的多巴胺能机制增加,我们研究了多巴胺受体激动剂和拮抗剂对与mPFC损伤相关的注意缺陷的影响。经过五次选择反应时间训练的大鼠要么接受完整的mPFC损伤,要么局限于其腹侧子区域,前缘和下缘皮质(PRL-IL)。与假手术大鼠相比,两个病变组的动物对视觉目标的正确反应均受到损害,尽管这种缺陷在mPFC病变的大鼠中更为明显。另外,两种病变均与持续性反应增强有关。通过全身给药多巴胺D2受体拮抗剂舒必利可以缓解mPFC损伤大鼠的准确性缺陷。相反,PRL-IL损伤的大鼠未受到影响,而舒必利损害了对照组。多巴胺D1受体拮抗剂SCH 23390或突触前剂量的阿扑吗啡的给药具有相似的作用,尽管效果不显着。这些药物中的任何一种的更高剂量均非特异性地损害性能。这些结果扩展了先前在mPFC损伤大鼠中注意力障碍的发现,并且与关于多巴胺能失调在精神分裂症发病中的作用的最新假说相符。



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