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Gamma-aminobutyric acid: something old, something new for bronchodilation.


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EXAGGERATED airway narrowing but impaired relaxation in diseases such as asthma is mediated by altered airway smooth muscle (ASM) response to bronchoconstrictors and bronchodilators. The considerable progress in understanding cellular mechanisms that regulate ASM contractility and hyperresponsiveness is underlined by established clinical use of beta-adrenoceptor agonists, leukotriene inhibitors, and steroids. On the other hand, increasing asthma prevalence, especially in children, and advertisements for "me-too" asthma therapies targeting the same, established cellular mechanisms underscores the need for new phar-macologic treatment approaches. Although anesthesiologists have long used the bronchodilatory properties of some inhalational agents (e.g., sevoflurane) and intravenous anesthetics (e.g., propofol) to resolve intraoperative bron-chospasm, this approach is impractical outside the operating room. In this issue of Anesthesiology, Gallos et al. have unVeiled a new (and yet not that new!) potentialtarget to produce bronchodilation: gamma-aminobutryic acid (GABA) signaling in the airway. But it is not the known role of GABA and GABA receptors in brainstem and preganglionic cho-linergic innervation to the airway that they discuss. Using an in vitro guinea pig airway model, they demonstrate endogenous GABA release (enhanced by agonist stimulation) that can induce bronchodilation. Furthermore, using the positive allosteric properties of propofol, they show that propofol-induced bronchodilation may be partly attributable to GABA. This paper is the latest in a series of reports by this group highlighting the role of functional GABA receptors in the airway. Although still in the investigational phase, these studies provide hope for a new approach to both outpatient and perioperative interventions to treat acute bronchoconstriction.
机译:气喘变窄但在诸如哮喘等疾病中舒张功能受损是由对支气管收缩剂和支气管扩张剂的气道平滑肌(ASM)反应改变介导的。 β-肾上腺素受体激动剂,白三烯抑制剂和类固醇的成熟临床应用突显了调节ASM收缩性和高反应性的细胞机制的理解方面的重大进展。另一方面,增加的哮喘患病率,尤其是在儿童中,以及针对这种哮喘的“中度”哮喘疗法的广告已确立的细胞机制强调了对新的药理学治疗方法的需求。尽管麻醉学家长期以来使用某些吸入剂(例如七氟醚)和静脉麻醉药(例如丙泊酚)的支气管扩张特性来解决术中支气管痉挛,但这种方法在手术室之外是不切实际的。在本期麻醉学杂志中,加洛斯等人。揭示了一个新的(但不是那个新的!)潜在靶标来产生支气管扩张:气道中的γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)信号传导。但是,他们讨论的并不是GABA和GABA受体在脑干和神经节前胆碱能对气道的神经支配中的已知作用。使用体外豚鼠气道模型,他们证明了可以诱导支气管扩张的内源性GABA释放(通过激动剂刺激得以增强)。此外,利用丙泊酚的正构构性,他们表明丙泊酚引起的支气管扩张可能部分归因于GABA。该论文是该小组最新报告,重点介绍了功能性GABA受体在呼吸道中的作用。尽管仍处于研究阶段,但这些研究为门诊和围手术期治疗急性支气管狭窄的新方法提供了希望。



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