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Quantitative assessment of drawing tests in children with dyslexia and dysgraphia


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Drawing tests in children diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia were quantitatively compared. Fourteen children with dysgraphia, 19 with dyslexia and 13 normally developing were asked to copy 3 figures: a circle, a square and a cross. An optoelectronic system allowed the acquisition of the drawing track in three-dimensions. The participants' head position and upper limb movements were measured as well. A set of parameters including movement duration, velocity, length of the trace, Range of Motion of the upper limb, was computed and compared among the 3 groups. Children with dyslexia traced the circle faster than the other groups. In the cross test, dyslexic participants showed a reduced execution time and increased velocity while drawing the horizontal line. Children with dyslexia were also faster in drawing certain sides of square with respect to the other groups.
机译:定量比较诊断患有患有患有患有患有患有综合症和综合记录的儿童的测试。 44名患有障碍的儿童,199名带有诵读和13次通常开发的儿童复制3个数字:圆形,正方形和十字架。 光电系统允许在三维中获取图纸轨道。 还测量参与者的头位置和上肢运动。 在3组中计算了一组参数,包括移动持续时间,速度,迹线的长度,上肢的运动范围,比较。 患有诵读的儿童比其他群体更快地追溯圈子。 在交叉测试中,缺点参与者在拉动水平线时显示了减少的执行时间和增加的速度。 患有诵读的儿童在绘制与其他群体的某些方面绘制某些方面也更快。



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