首页> 外文期刊>Microchemical Journal: Devoted to the Application of Microtechniques in all Branches of Science >Quantitative approaches to the determination of elements in lake sediments by total reflection X-ray fluorescence

Quantitative approaches to the determination of elements in lake sediments by total reflection X-ray fluorescence


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Element distribution data in lake sediments are widely used to study environmental and climate change over geological time scales. Total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) seems to be well suited for fast multi-elemental analysis of small quantities of subsamples obtained by cutting a sediment core at different intervals. The TXRF technique based on the direct analysis of a suspension prepared by mixing 20 mg of powdered sample and 2 mL of an aqueous 1% Triton X-100 solution was applied to the various reference materials of sedimentary rocks and samples of lake sediments to determine Al, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, and Ba contents. It was shown that the element internal standard, as well the Compton scattered peak, can be used to compensate the error associated with the sample deposition process. Different quantitative approaches have been proposed and evaluated using the reference materials of the sedimentary rocks: (i) internal standardization, (ii) external calibration with correction by means of adding an internal standard, (iii) external calibration with the 'fluorescent-to-Compton' correction. It was shown that the external calibrations can compensate systematic overestimation or underestimation of the TXRF results obtained using the internal standard method, especially for Al, K, V, Cr, Zn, Rb, and Ba. The TXRF results for Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Sr weakly depend on the quantitative procedure.
机译:湖泊沉积物中的元素分布数据被广泛用于研究环境和气候变化对地质时间尺度。总反射X射线荧光(TXRF)似乎非常适合于通过以不同间隔切割沉积物核心而获得的少量副的多元素分析。基于通过将20mg粉末样品和2ml 3%Triton X-100溶液混合制备的悬浮液的直接分析的TXRF技术应用于沉积岩石和湖泊沉积物样品的各种参考资料,以确定Al ,K,Ca,Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni,Cu,Zn,Rb,Sr和Ba内容物。结果表明,元件内标,以及康普顿散射峰,可用于补偿与样品沉积过程相关的误差。使用沉积岩石的参考资料提出和评估了不同的定量方法:(i)内标准化,(ii)通过添加内部标准(iii)外部校准与“荧光至”的外部校准,外部校准康普顿的纠正。结果表明,外部校准可以补偿使用内标方法获得的TXRF结果的系统高估或低估,特别是对于Al,K,V,Cr,Zn,Rb和Ba。 Ca,Ti,Mn,Fe,Ni,Cu和Sr的TXRF结果弱依赖于定量过程。



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