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Patterns of fruit traits in a tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, SW China


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As a basis for determining how vertebrate frugivores influence the evolution of tropical fruits, we investigated distribution patterns of different fruit traits that are known to influence frugivore food choice, drawing on data gathered from 626 plant species in a primary tropical rainforest at Xishuangbanna, SW China. Species with fleshy fruits are common (66%) in the forest; the proportion of fleshy fruits differed among different growth forms: canopy trees (63%), subcanopy trees (83%), shrubs (74%), lianas (67%), herbs (65%) and epiphytes (49%). Dry fruits had a higher frequency of small-seeded species (length of seed <2 mm) compared to fleshy fruit (34% vs. 14%, respectively), and a lower proportion of species with few seeds (1-3 seeds per fruit) (52% vs. 77%). In fleshy fruits, small fruits (<20 mm in length) were predominant (69%) while medium-sized fruits (20-50 mm) were produced by 105 species (26%), and 20 species (5%) produced large fruit (>50 mm). As a whole. black fruits were most common (40% of 389 species), followed by fruits with red, brown, yellow and bicolored (19%, 13%, 13% and 8%. respectively); green, white, and blue fruits were relatively rare (4%, 2% and 1%, respectively). Characteristics of small fleshy fruits included thin husks, red, white, or black colors and a few medium-sized seeds (2-10 mm). Many medium-sized fruits had large, well-protected seeds. The distribution of plant species among various fruit and seed categories is non-random in this forest. Nested ANOVA revealed a significant phylogenetic component in the variances of most fruit traits while fruit size and color showed 39.7-48.1% of within-genus variances from non-phylogenetic factors. (C) 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
机译:作为确定脊椎动物节食动物如何影响热带水果进化的基础,我们利用从中国西双版纳原始热带雨林中的626种植物收集的数据,研究了已知会影响节食动物食物选择的不同水果性状的分布模式。 。森林中有肉类的物种很常见(66%)。不同生长形式的果肉比例不同:冠层树(63%),亚冠层树(83%),灌木(74%),藤本植物(67%),草药(65%)和附生植物(49%)。与多肉水果(分别为34%和14%)相比,干果具有较小种子(种子长度<2 mm)的频率较高,种子较少的物种比例较低(每个水果1-3种子) )(52%对77%)。在肉质水果中,小果实(长度<20毫米)占主导(69%),而中型果实(20-50毫米)由105种(26%)产生,而20种(5%)则产生大果实(> 50毫米)。整体而言。黑色水果是最常见的(389种的40%),其次是红色,棕色,黄色和双色的水果(分别为19%,13%,13%和8%);绿色,白色和蓝色水果相对较少(分别为4%,2%和1%)。肉质较小的果实的特征包括果壳稀薄,红色,白色或黑色,以及一些中等大小的种子(2-10毫米)。许多中等大小的果实都有保护良好的大种子。在该森林中,植物种类在各种水果和种子类别中的分布是非随机的。巢式方差分析显示大多数水果性状的变异中有重要的系统发育成分,而果实大小和颜色显示非系统发育因素的属内变异的39.7-48.1%。 (C)2004 Elsevier SAS。版权所有。



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