首页> 外文期刊>Czech Mycology >What is Polyporus hurkillii Lloyd and how should it be spelled?

What is Polyporus hurkillii Lloyd and how should it be spelled?

机译:何谓Polyporus hurkillii Lloyd,应如何拼写?

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A study of the holotype (BPI) and isotype (SING) of Polyporus burkillii Lloyd shows that this material is homogeneous and does not belong to a species of the genus Polyporus as assumed by Ryvarden (1990) and Hattori (2001), but that Corner (1987) wascorrect in combining the name in Microporellus. At the specific level Corner however misinterpreted the taxon which should be included in M. clemensiae (Murrill) Ryvarden s.l. Further studies of Microporellus are needed and may show that this is a good species antedating other infudibuliform ones, especially M. inusitatus (Lloyd) Corner. The spelling of the name is discussed, the conclusion being that it should be corrected to Polyporus burkilliae. Microporellus burkillii (Lloyd) Corner ss. Comer is a good species that apparently lacks a name.
机译:对Burporii burkillii Lloyd的全型(BPI)和同型(SING)的研究表明,这种材料是均质的,不属于Ryvarden(1990)和Hattori(2001)所假设的Polyporus属物种,但是该角(1987年)在Microporellus中结合了名称是正确的。然而,在特定级别,Corner曲解了应该归类为M. clemensiae(Murrill)Ryvarden s.l.的分类单元。微孔菌的进一步研究是必要的,并且可能表明这是早于其他烟状目,特别是M. inusitatus(Lloyd)Corner的好种。对该名称的拼写进行了讨论,得出的结论是应将其更正为Burporus burkilliae。伯氏微孔菌(Lloyd)Corner ss。 Comer是一个好名字,显然没有名字。



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