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The Pediatric Match Frenzy: An Overview and an Approach for Mentoring Medical Students


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Applying for a pediatric residency position has become an increasingly stressful event and recently medical educators have described it as a "Match Frenzy." Match statistics demonstrate increased competition for pediatric residency positions and a record number of applications. Faculty who mentor medical students are now challenged to counsel them through the intensified process and pediatric residency programs are now forced to navigate the rising number of applications. We define the Match Frenzy and its implications, review historical and current match statistics, and describe a data-driven approach to the problem. Through mitigating the frenzy surrounding this process, we can help students and residency programs better allocate their precious resources.
机译:申请儿科居住地位已成为一个越来越强大的事件,最近医学教育工作者将其描述为“匹配狂热”。 匹配统计数据表明儿科居住地位的竞争增加以及申请的记录数。 Mentor Medical Chilers的教师现在挑战通过加强的过程和儿科居住计划劝告他们,现在被迫浏览申请数量。 我们定义匹配狂热及其影响,审查历史和当前匹配统计数据,并描述了对问题的数据驱动方法。 通过减轻这个过程周围的狂热,我们可以帮助学生和居住计划更好地分配他们的宝贵资源。



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