首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Aflatoxin Production in Six Peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.)Genotypes Infected with Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus,Isolated from Peanut Production Areas of Cordoba,Argentina

Aflatoxin Production in Six Peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.)Genotypes Infected with Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus,Isolated from Peanut Production Areas of Cordoba,Argentina


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Aflatoxin contamination is one of the main factors affecting peanut seed quality.One of the strategies to decrease the risk of peanut aflatoxin contamination is the use of genotypes with resistance to Aspergillus infection.This laboratory study reports the resistance to Aspergillus infection and aflatoxin contamination of six peanut genotypes inoculated with 21 Aspergillus isolates obtained from the peanut production region of Cordoba,Argentina.The resistance was investigated in the seed coat and cotyledons of three resistant genotypes(J11,PI 337394,and PI 337409)and three breeding lines(Manfredi 68,Colorado Irradiado,and Florman INTA)developed at the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria(INTA),Manfredi Experimental Station,Cordoba,Argentina.Resistance to fungal colonization and aflatoxin contamination was found to be associated with seed coat integrity in the PI 337394,PI 337409,and J11 genotypes,whereas the INTA breeding lines such as Colorado Irradiado showed a moderate resistance and the Manfredi 68 and Florman INTA genotypes the least resistance.Furthermore,another type of resistance associated with cotyledons was found only in the PI 337394 genotype.
机译:黄曲霉毒素污染是影响花生种子品质的主要因素之一。降低花生黄曲霉毒素污染风险的策略之一是使用对曲霉菌感染具有抗性的基因型。该实验室研究报告了六种对曲霉菌感染和黄曲霉毒素的抗性从阿根廷科尔多瓦花生产区获得的21株曲霉菌株接种了花生基因型。调查了三种抗性基因型(J11,PI 337394和PI 337409)和三个育种系(Manfredi 68,在阿根廷科尔多瓦曼弗雷迪实验站的国立农业技术研究所(INTA)开发了Colorado Irradiado和Florman INTA。在PI 337394,PI 337409中发现对真菌定植和黄曲霉毒素污染的抵抗力与种皮的完整性有关和J11基因型,而INTA育种系(例如Colorado Irradiado)则显示中等这种情况下,Manfredi 68和Florman INTA基因型的耐药性最小。此外,仅在PI 337394基因型中发现了与子叶相关的另一种耐药性。



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