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New approaches to nonparametric density estimation and selection of smoothing parameters


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The application of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) to the empirical distribution function sampled at a grid of points spanning the range of the sample leads to a novel and promising method for the computer-intensive nonparametric estimation of both the distribution function and the density function. SSA yields a data-adaptive filter, whose length is a parameter that controls the smoothness of the filtered series. A data-adaptive algorithm for the automatic selection of a general smoothing parameter is introduced, which controls the number of modes of the estimated density. Extensive computer simulations demonstrate that the new automatic bandwidth selector improves on other popular methods for various densities of interest. A general uniform error bound is proved for the proposed SSA estimate of the distribution function, which ensures its uniform consistency. The simulation results indicate that the SSA density estimate with the automatic choice of the filter length outperforms the kernel density estimate in terms of the mean integrated squared error and the KolmogorovSmirnov distance for various density shapes. Two applications to problems arising in photovoltaic quality control and economic market research are studied to illustrate the benefits of SSA estimation.
机译:将奇异频谱分析(SSA)应用于在跨越样本范围的点网格上采样的经验分布函数,导致了一种新颖且有希望的方法,可用于对分布函数和密度函数进行计算机密集型非参数估计。 SSA产生一个数据自适应滤波器,其长度是控制滤波后序列平滑度的参数。介绍了一种用于自动选择常规平滑参数的数据自适应算法,该算法控制估计密度的模式数量。大量的计算机模拟表明,新的自动带宽选择器针对各种感兴趣的密度改进了其他流行的方法。对于提议的SSA分布函数估计,证明了一个一般的均匀误差范围,从而确保了其均匀一致性。仿真结果表明,就各种密度形状而言,在平均积分平方误差和KolmogorovSmirnov距离方面,具有自动选择滤波器长度的SSA密度估计值优于内核密度估计值。研究了对光伏质量控制和经济市场研究中出现的问题的两种应用,以说明SSA估算的好处。



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