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Magnification effects on distance estimation during robotic suturing


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We aimed to understand the impact of magnification on distance estimation during robotic suturing. Twenty subjects estimated the lengths of various sutures externally, in plain sight, to validate their ability to measure distances. They then robotically repaired a 3-cm cystotomy, suturing 10 mm above and below the incision and 10 mm on either side of the incision. The bladder was removed and distances measured. A total of 20 surgeons were analyzed: 7 residents, 8 fellows, and 5 staff. Specialties comprised four urologists, eight general gynecologists, two urogynecologists, three gynecologic oncologists, and three reproductive endocrinologists. The mean estimation for external suture length was not significant at 10 mm: mean = 9.6 (±3.2) mm (p = 0.59). When comparing these data sets, the externally visualized 10-mm suture versus the suture-to-suture and the suture-to-incision distances were both significantly different (p = 0.002 and p 0.001, respectively). The mean distance between each suture was 6.5 (±1.8) mm, which was significantly different from the 10-mm goal (p 0.001, 95 % confidence interval (CI) [-4.4,-2.6]). The mean distance from the suture to the incision was 4.1 (±1.0) mm, which was also statistically significantly different from the goal (p 0.001, 95 % CI [-6.3,-5.4]). Surgical experience was negatively associated with suture-to-incision distance (r s = -0.53, p = 0.016). Inter-suture distance was also negatively associated with experience (r s = -0.30, p = 0.22), though not statistically significant. In vivo distances are significantly underestimated during robotic suture placement. Interestingly, the most experienced surgeons had the worst distance estimation from the incision to the suture.
机译:我们旨在了解机器人缝合过程中放大率对距离估计的影响。二十名受试者从外部估计了各种缝合线的长度,以验证其测量距离的能力。然后,他们用机器人修复了3厘米的膀胱切开术,在切口上方和下方10毫米处以及切口两侧分别缝合10毫米。取出膀胱并测量距离。总共对20名外科医生进行了分析:7名住院医师,8名研究员和5名工作人员。专业包括四名泌尿科医生,八名普通妇科医生,两名泌尿妇科医生,三名妇科肿瘤科医生和三名生殖内分泌科医生。外部缝合线长度的平均估计在10 mm时不显着:平均值= 9.6(±3.2)mm(p = 0.59)。比较这些数据集时,外部可视化的10毫米缝线与缝线之间的距离以及缝线与切口的距离都显着不同(分别为p = 0.002和p​​ <0.001)。每条缝线之间的平均距离为6.5(±1.8)mm,与10 mm的目标线有显着差异(p <0.001,95%置信区间(CI)[-4.4,-2.6])。从缝合线到切口的平均距离为4.1(±1.0)mm,这在统计学上也与目标显着不同(p <0.001,95%CI [-6.3,-5.4])。手术经验与缝合线到切口的距离负相关(r s = -0.53,p = 0.016)。缝线间距离也与经验负相关(r s = -0.30,p = 0.22),尽管在统计学上不显着。在机器人缝合线放置期间,体内距离被大大低估了。有趣的是,经验最丰富的外科医生从切口到缝合线的距离估计最差。



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