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If I sell it for junk, I can buy it for junk.


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What in the heck does my title mean? Am I talking about junk or trash? Neither; I am talking about honesty, fairness, and integrity. I worked at my father's scrap yard from the age of 10 through college. Everything purchased was either scrap iron or scrap metal. In other words, "junk." However, some of this junk was usable, that is, angle iron, pipe, steel plates, rebar, etc. This usable material was placed in a separate place called "salvage." When my dad sold this salvage to contractors and others who were able to use recycled materials, he sold it for just a few pennies more than the price he would be paid from the mills and smelters to whom he sold scrap. When I asked my dad why he did not sell the salvage for a price closer to what the hardware stores and building suppliers charged, he gave me the quotation that has stuck with me for my entire life. "
机译:我的头衔到底是什么意思?我说的是垃圾还是垃圾?都不;我说的是诚实,公平和正直。我从10岁到大学一直在父亲的废料场工作。购买的一切都是废铁或废金属。换句话说,就是“垃圾”。但是,其中一些垃圾是可用的,即角铁,管子,钢板,钢筋等。这种可用的材料放在一个单独的地方,称为“打捞”。当我父亲将此打捞品卖给承包商和其他能够使用再生材料的人时,他的价格仅比出售废料的钢厂和冶炼厂所付的价格高出几美分。当我问父亲为什么不以与五金店和建筑供应商收取的价格相近的价格出售打捞时,他给了我一生都坚持的报价。 ”



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