首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geoscience Education >Kahua A'o-A Learning Foundation: Using Hawaiian Language Newspaper Articles for Earth Science Professional Development

Kahua A'o-A Learning Foundation: Using Hawaiian Language Newspaper Articles for Earth Science Professional Development

机译:Kahua A'o-A学习基金会:使用夏威夷语报纸文章促进地球科学专业发展

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Kahua A'o, a National Science Foundation Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences project, seeks to prepare educators to address issues of underrepresentation of Native Hawaiian students in Earth and Space Science (ESS) and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. An interdisciplinary team provides culturally grounded, place and standards-based curricula, and professional development (PD), drawing on 4,000-plus weather- and geology-related, Hawaiian-language newspaper articles that convey the importance of ecological knowledge to identity, social status, and sustainability. The project expands Hawaiian resources for science educators and scientists, supports revitalization of an endangered language, and presents original research correlating articles on drought and rains with 19th century El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Professional development with two cohorts of educators finds interest in studying local phenomena, using technology to map cultural and science phenomena, incorporating place and culture into instruction, and, in some schools, challenges to implementing interdisciplinary instruction.
机译:美国国家科学基金会增加地球科学项目多样性的机会Kahua A'o致力于为教育工作者做好准备,以解决夏威夷土著学生在地球和空间科学(ESS)以及科学,技术,工程和数学(STEM)中代表性不足的问题)字段。一个跨学科的团队利用4,000多种与天气和地质有关的夏威夷语报纸文章,提供了以文化为基础,以地点和标准为基础的课程以及专业发展(PD),这些文章传达了生态知识对身份,社会地位的重要性以及可持续性。该项目为科学教育者和科学家扩展了夏威夷的资源,支持振兴濒临灭绝的语言,并提出了有关干旱和雨水与19世纪厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)事件相关的原创研究。由两名教育工作者组成的团队的专业发展引起了人们对研究当地现象,使用技术绘制文化和科学现象,将地点和文化纳入教学的兴趣,并且在一些学校中,对实施跨学科教学提出了挑战。



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